in flavor country
That looks really nice Alan!! 

Ah thanks stickstones, that is an advantage. I wonder if the bottom edge of the previous HI was more prone to damage (little chips and dings); whereas, the bottom wood disc of the new model will be inherently less prone? (I also see that the original prototype HI had a wood base).looks awesome, Alan!
chimpybits...I welcome the new plug. My old one is easier to hit and knock out of whack. This is a more solid solution.
I have tried, but have been unable to put my HIsaber away for even a few hours, since it first arrived. I have been training with 100% dedication to the jedHI arts, & the utmost respect for my fellow jedHIs.
However, I seem to need some assistance! After many (always) un-wanted 'combustion-incidences', I do believe it is time for me to acquire a VV power-supply. I don't know if Alan can help with that or not (he didn't have any available when he made my HI), ATM. I know many of you have acquired a VV power-supply that has worked well, & would appreciate yalls expertise.
Where should I go about acquiring my VV power-supply, & also which kind should I be looking to get? Would like to be pointed towards the specific models, that have been used with a HIsaber successfully. Thanks in advance, & be one with the force my jedHIs.
-Alan, loving what I am seeing & hearing! Keep it up![]()
Thank you, I think that's a good suggestion mom! I had noticed .. a slight trend .. when I tended to try 'to load more than usual' into my roasting tube. It's kind of like playing with fire, works sometimes but is likely the cause of the majority of my combustion incidences.GratefulVapor, I would also suggest loading less in your tube and keeping it farther away from the heat port.
Thank you, I think that's a good suggestion mom! I had noticed .. a slight trend .. when I tended to try 'to load more than usual' into my roasting tube. It's kind of like playing with fire, works sometimes but is likely the cause of the majority of my combustion incidences.
As always, thank you very much Jeppy!!! If anyone has a diff. model that is reasonably priced & have had good results with, please don't be shy about sharing! This jedHI wants to keep it HI, with a nice VV (instead of the alternative, using my non-saber vaporizers).
On the topic of combustion, what is the regular practice when say combustion happens in a Turbo Tube(of which you are roasting in simply the Silicon tube). Is it advised to not use that tube anymore? How long do you guys use the Silicon, before replacing(in general, after normal use)? Also any quick tips to keep my HIsaber in good order? I know there isn't much maintenance required, but I feel the need to clean out the 'inner chamber'(heat island area), & possibly care for the wood in some way? My hands are often sweaty, which probably isn't good for the wood.
That's the one that is en route to me. Due to arrive today. Can't wait!![]()
I think we are being lured to the darkside of the force. Doesn't that Hi-saber belong to Darth Maul? Those are his colors after all. I believe this is the birth of the Sith Lord Hi-saber. Very dangerous this one is...
AAARGH! It's sitting on my desk at work, but I've been home sick for two days!! Dragging my ass in tomorrow no matter how sick I am - I'm not going the weekend without it!