arf777 - Glad you are enjoying the size. It is very maneuverable.
Vapinghole - Thanks for getting back in line. You will like using the new design.
Yoshi - The beauty of this new design is the flexibility to make the bottom cap from so many different kinds of wood and other materials. I have even been trying the HI without the bottom cap on and it seems to be working just fine. I will offer domestic wood units for sale without a bottom cap for $120. This does leave the wires exposed, but it is only 12 volts which does not pose a shock hazard. It has sort of a steam punk look to it without the bottom cap. Everything is exposed to view. You can see all the way through the unit. As simple as you can get. Debris can never build up in the bottom since there isn't one.
Thanks Dafni.
HoneyAir - Thanks for posting the HI porn. The new design is great for using softer woods. The bottom cap will protect the bottom edge of the wood very well. I have a seemingly lifetime supply of the Staron material. You should be wielding your HIsaber very soon.
ubw - I had not thought about making a TT base from that material, but it would be perfect.
Here is some more HI Porn.
Cocobolo w/ Pink Ivory bottom cap. The two eyes go all the way through to the other side. You never know what you will find in the wood.
Walnut Burl w/ Osage Orange bottom cap. Great chatoyance in the osage orange. Lots of eyes and swirls in the walnut burl.
Back to making more of them.