Reading thru some more pages... bOObs description for a video (one I haven't seen before),
"Just playing with my little willie
TMI, bOObs, TMI.
Customer Service
Before my HI cracked, I noticed that my VV PS wasn't getting my HI as hot as it had been during the first 2-3 days of use (as was noticed by a few other owners as well). After contacting Alan to tell him this (I believe I brought the issue up to him before any other owners), he immediately offered to send me a replacement. He actually ended up sending both a new VV and a non-VV, giving me plenty of options to test out.
When my HI cracked, Alan similarly offered me a replacement unit. I told him not to rush, and to get more HIs out to the people patiently waiting to get their units since mine is still perfectly functional for now. Alan was extremely fast and helpful in his responses to both of these issues.
Alan was similarly helpful before I received my HI. I sent him a TON of questions, mostly about tubes, and he was very helpful and answered everything thoroughly.
I've got a crack in mine, its about an 1 1/2" long, curves over the top about an 1/16" and the majority runs down vertical from the top. It hasn't grown or widened. I thought it might have, but when I showed Alan the pics, he said it hadn't grown. Well, I believe him... because I see it every day. It hasn't. Plus, as he pointed out, I'm really doing an endurance test on this wood. The Sumac is beautiful and once I get a blacklight, I'll show everyone, how cool, it REALLY is (yes, it glows under blacklight).
Back to the point, I think I can say thank you, from us all... for having the opportunity to replace your unit, but because function was unaffected, you opted to wait. Very cool Karma points there, my friend, for a very unselfish act.
I keep meaning to ask. Is OK for Oklahoma?
EDIT: So I've been doing some more testing on the "Lung Butter" (dunno why I wasn't using that, so much more pleasant than
phlegm). Just like the MFLB and being picky about its grind/cure... the HI is the same way with cure, IMHO. Or, at least the way you vape it. Probably not the same for everyone... but for people that do have issues with excessive Lung Butter, I hope this helps.
I was trying to get the last bit of some of the leftovers from a Q-Tip soaked with whip honey, with not much success in the 10mm Turbo Tube with nipple. So I removed the nipple and still not much luck. I've been wanting to play with this tube more... but was having more fun with the others (wow, was I missing out!). Particularly the 14mm GonG tube.
However, I found a container of non-cached top-shelf mix. Mostly Indica loads, I passed out during and replaced with Sativa in the morning for wake-n-vape. So this stuff was definitely dry enough. I started out on 12vdc, because I already knew the heat wasn't an issue. To my pleasant surprise, I pulled a full sweet, flavorful hit off it. Nothing much after that. Well, figuring what the Hell? I haven't combusted yet, I cranked it up to 12.52 (in comparison, my fvps read about 12.27).
Left the nipple off, HI humming along at 12.52vdc, turbo tube locked and loaded, load looking expired. Pulled the final and cached, no Lung Butter hit.
EDIT II: I've discovered, that you all REALLY need to quit side-tracking Alan with ideas. LOL! Everyone would probably have a HI, if it weren't for all the little side trips he makes in his mind's eye.
EDIT III: Kind of a "duh" moment, but I had been using the 10mm with my "RooR" downstem, because its the only nice one I have that the turbo tube fits in. The messed up thing, is my 18/14 reducer, has a little lip at the bottom, that prevents the 10mm from fitting thru.
Wait a second!, I thought to myself. I opened up my little HI/VB kit and removed the extra piece of silicone that Alan sent with the HIsaber. Slipped it on the bottom end of the TT... lo and behold, it fits in everything now! Like I said, kind of dumb. But, I still got excited... going to do another night session with the Saxo. As I figured it would work well with the Cloud, which jam confirms... but I know the HIsaber works exceptionally well with the Saxo. Now I get to try this wonderful TT I've discovered. Amazing the things you overlook, because they don't look like something that interests you. I asked Alan for the ability to hook up to my glass, he sent me standard TT and the 14mm ground glass. Plus, the CRZ roasting tube. I've been hooked on the 14mm and dismissed the 10mm, that is... until tonight. I really like being able to extend the "bowl" by just adjusting the silicone.
OH ALAN! You wanted feedback. The one thing I don't particularly like about the glass CRZ tube, is the ID of the glass, feels too big to me. Hitting like that, I'm used to the more restrictive flow of the MFLB. I'm not saying, it should be that restrictive and I KNOW the big thing of the HIsaber, is the free flow of air. It just feels like TOO much to me. It comes fast and in this HUGE cloud of vapor. I always thought of the CRZ as more of a "Sipper". I think I would very much like it, in wood, with a tighter ID. Plus, the glass... at that size, I'm kind of like Vito. I don't like the clink on my teeth.