Alan, you're a genius!!!

Your turbo tube fits perfectly with my

and I get some serious vapor in my lungs fast! I went to a local head shop with the turbo tube and found a bong that the turbo tube fits into perfectly so the PD is heating up now and I'm about to try it out, running the vapor through water. The clerk in the shop told me running the vapor through water will cause the vapor to condense and it will loose it's efficacy. I told him he should tune in to youtube and check out techinferno420.
Your turbo tube is great for cleaning roasted herb out of the PD too. I just put the empty turbo tube on a cold PD and inhaled and the screen on the turbo tube caught all the herb that had accidentally fallen into the PD. There was about 1/4 teaspoon of herb in there.
I can't wait to get the HI.
The clerk was wrong. I think what was happening with the PD was the long slow draw on the straw was exposing my throat to the 385º F temperatures for a 30 second inhalation, 5 or 6 inhalations on each straw full of herb = 2 1/2 to 3 minutes of exposure 3 or 4 times a day for the last two years was really drying my throat out. Now, vaping it through the water has not only added moisture to the vapor, but cools the vapor down to tolerable temperatures. The turbo tube has reduced the time on the draw too, so I could probably use the turbo tube and PD without the water pipe, but I get more flavor from the herb after it has passed through the water pipe. It may be that the reduced temperature or the moisture help the taste buds to pick up the flowery taste I am getting from this granddaddy purple.
I was worried about the turbo tube burning more herb than the PD straw, but I measured out the volume of herb that fits in the PD straw and put it in the turbo tube. In mass that would be about 1/20 of a gram. I wish I knew where to get a small spoon about that size.
I tried the PD straw with the water pipe too. The PD straw fit perfectly in the inhale hole on the water pipe with a good seal and I was able to do the slow draw and what a difference running it through water, the flavor came through without scorching my throat and the medicinal effects were complemented by the moisture.
I want to share with everyone a method of breathing, a series of rapid forceful exhalations and passive inhalations that allow you to circulate the vapor in your lungs so all the medicinal ingredients in the vapor are absorbed by the lining of the lungs. It begins by exhaling all the air from your lungs and then inhaling slowly and completely filling the lungs, then exhaling completely, repeat twice and then inhale from the vape until your lungs are about 3/4 full. Then using your abdominal muscles you forcefully exhale a small quantity of air and passively inhale the same quantity that you have exhaled. This will cause the vapor to move around in your lungs for as long as you can breathe this way. Start out with 20 breaths and work up to 40 or however long you can go for. It will enhance the medicinal qualities of your herb and lead to a healthier life. Breathing has many benefits. Kapalbhati breathing demonstrated here:
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