Hey Oth
Im just spoiled nowadays by the digital display on my VVPS.I have forgotten about the Volt limits on Alans Variable supplies

, which being honest is what will work best for most people.
I notice in Alans recent post he may have tracked down some more of his variable power supplies.he mentions pricing for them.
I would love to limit my digital VVPS to 13 volts max If i could.I have already torched one element.

luckily Im handy,with a couple of $s I was fixed up again in no time.
sometimes for a quicker heat up time or if my Hi feels cooler than it should at 12v

I crank it up a volt.When I come back she is hot as

.I just turn her down on the display and let her cool a bit.So far the psu I modded runs flat out all day at weekends and everyday from about 8 hrs or so.It gets a good workout.no issues at all with it which is good.
liked youre anecdote about the Crows btw. I saw the them supporting the Who last year.i came away really liking them.the lead singer is interesting.seemed like a good guy to invite to a party.I m sure
hey kuroth
My stem is pictured
here next to my Hi but i had Alan make me a SS bowl for it which I love to bits