Alan is a genius. His relentless pursuit of perfection is one of the amazing aspects of this man.vapormonkey said:Alan is exactly right, the roasting tube is a big deal. Hang tight guys, I've been waiting for a couple months now and Alan's a perfectionist I suspect, ...
Vitolo said:Alan is a genius. His relentless pursuit of perfection is one of the amazing aspects of this man.
Good review from a staff viewpoint too Gonzo. It was about the HI, and comments on the other two were pretty much 'just the facts ma'am'. A free for all 'A vs. B, etc.' comparison, in a separate thread, would be a whole different story, and end up duplicating info (and robbing it as well) and attracting endless questions from vapor newbies. We don't like the 'what vape should I buy?' threads in Ask FC, but at least we can close them in a short period of time. Until and if we open up a review section (which would be rigidly controlled), this is where a comparison review should be posted, and how it should be done.Gonzo said:I hope this review has been helpful to my fellow members and that the Forum moderators find it acceptable.
PurpleDazed said:I dont know why
(perhaps the roasted herb I just finished)
I picture Alan's shop looking like Dr.Frankensteins lab with tesla coils sparking all over and an Igor saying "Yesss Massster"
Well keep up the good work Dude.
Longer vape times with the SS tip? Where are you keeping the heat?Gonzo said:Hey Alan, I responded to the Email you set me earlier.
@staticsunn The HI can be just as efficient as any other log vape because of the ability to use such a small amount. My typical load is .05 - .10 grams depending on the size hits I want to take. I find the stainless steel tip stem to be the most efficient but also the most restricted air flow.