Sooooo my Blue Mahoe HI core Top arrived today

Left the Maple Top in the states when i left, 3 months ago. Here are my reactions in progressively more narrative format.
she arrived with 2 wood tubes and one glass, 2 silicon tip 1 glass tip. The wood/glass is my favorite because it looks extremely classy
i will have some pictures in a few minutes but first up God Damn. Sorry for the blasphemy but i had forgotten how seriously brilliant the Top was, and the HI design takes it to the next level. I just moved to europe, and I didn't have any herb the first month, crappy herb the second, and a month ago I got lined up with a proper local, selling proper local that meets my medical standards. So i've mostly been smoking spliffs, euro style-- heavy on the baccy. And they do the trick-- But 1/3 the sprinkle i might put in a conservative pinner just got sucked in to my glass turbo tube, and i've taken two puffs-- I am ripped.
Taste, 10/10. The new wide diameter turbo tubes are brilliant. lots of room for cool air and convection. tube is short enough to preserve heat and complexities of the vapour.
efficacy, 10/10. the airpath is clean, as most of the thing just screws together, metal on wood. All of the green turns brown.
The design is simple but perfect. I've owned half a dozen vapes over the years and Tops are the only ones that have got me off the Spliffs. I mean, I love rolling. My friends know that I roll perfects spliffs. That's what I do. But now that I have a Top again I dont give a fuck.
just took a third rip. Am thinking about the quantity of herb I was burning away with those spliffs. about how the HiTop has just doubled the time needed between visits to my local friend, a realization which just paid for the top's shipping and accessories in about a week.
Took a fourth rip, after realizing that I didn't pull the tube out of the top after hit nmber 3. So i didn't get much. But without that, a testimony to the Top, i'd have had 5 good hits, I reckon. And I just realized that the turbo tubes fit perfectly on the pegs of the base. so you dont have to worry about spilling them.
Glass bowl is like a tiny trophy case, housing your conquered herb in its cylindrical austerity. Kind of looks like a tiny Olymic torch designed in the netherlands. Herb is perfectly browned. nothing left
pictures will wait... shooting in raw and i gotta get everything right or the depth of the mahoe just wont come out. This is some truly beautiful wood.
eh here are two. not sure why they looked so washed out. jpg conversion i think cause they look fine in lightroom. but they're illustrative of something