The HI


here for the chicks
Ah cool, if you use the short end as a bowl it functions almost the same as a SS tipped CRZ stem with your HI. The CRZ stem holds a bit less so it gives one or two less hits, but they seem slightly denser then the hits I get from Alan's SS nipple when eyeballing the vapor in a waterpipe. I suspect the ridge in the CRZ stem that holds the screen in place together with that little clip could be the cause for this.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member

Yes the solo stem has the right bore to fit the smaller SS tip Alan supplies,Eds solo stem was designed to fit a 14mm F gong. I ve tried it, however I haven t used it with water much.I prefer direct draw but i am coming around to using water slowly or at least on occasion.

The Crz stems were 1/2 price in eds sale so like you I snapped a few up.I believe they have a similar bore as the solo stem because I think Ed uses the same drill to drill both tubes Crz and solo.Maybe he'll confirm that.The stock crz stems fit the Hi with the included adapter sleeves Ed supplies Thanks Mom!

Re the gong stems you might be onto something email Alan or Ed and ask.
I would agree with you wood would be cool to make gong adapters with.the issue with glass is the work involved.I believe a glass lathe is like $8000 yikes to do custom work.
I see little difference personally using wood or glass as a male gong adapter.why the hell did nt anyone do it before??

An 18mm hardwood to internal/external SS tip should be possible from wood and the right SS sleeves which alan already has..You d just need stainless with a screen where it attaches to the heatport.
cleaning might be an issue for some people but personally I have nt had any issue cleaning my solo wood stems at all when they ve become gunked up.just a little iso and a qtip.pull off the cotton and vape Vito style.That man is a legend.

Re the 18/14 adapter youre not kidding the 18 x 14 reducer works fine but the bore at the bottom of mine shrinks to like 10mm.Its made that way for some reason.don t like using it so much.and it is to be able to hook up my 18mm wpiece direct to the hi would be an improvement

glad to see i m not the only one breaking glass too.I originally asked Ed to make me a wood solo tube for that very reason.Alans glass $30 stem is long gone cracked it modding and fiddling with connections ages ago.thanks for asking questions.I feel like you ve hit something here OTA.Purists may prefer glass but a matching wood gong stem and Hi would be sweet for me and you i think eh?

I use a magic flight PA car adapter with my Hi.Its great for car journeys and heats the Hi up in 5 minutes.I Only vape as a passenger.

I went to the beach today and there were two chicks right next to me topless.I thought of you guys,but Im a little shy out in the open esp with a camera.I decided I d just shoot the Hi.I m strictly a perve once im inside my truck with my workmates during work hours:DShades on of course,gotta look cool while you look at all the pretty ladies:D

Summer is not far away here now.we haven t had rain for months.saw a nasty tiger snake in my back yard today.Pretty aggressive so ive locked my dogs a beardie and a tibetan terrier inside.I know of two dogs that have kicked it these past few weeks from snakebites.

back on topic You could use a bike battery like this one to power your e Hi.I looked at cheap chinese lithium bats but they are not what they are cracked up to be.

sorry for the long post... OTA has got me in a fluster with his gong talk.but at least its the right kind of fluster:cool:

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
yup 5/16 ...try the SStip in one of the crz tubes ED.
the widest part fits interference in there and can be spun around for 2 different size loads.You ll notice the SS tip is deeper to the screen on one side.

Then you just need to adapt the other end of the wood so it fits inside an 18mm female joint and i d say at a guess the wood would need to be 2 1/2 inches long, so if you need to, you pull it from the glass to clear youre glass easily.:tup:
u bwade wunner,
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here for the chicks
Thanks for brainstorming with us Bwade, you're getting me all excited now :haw:

I think two inches would be long enough, but it would vary per piece you use it with I guess. Another plus for the wood vs glass for these would be that they wouldn't get as hot to the touch when clearing the piece btw.

But in hindsight I probably should have asked Alan first, he might just want to produce a stem like that himself for all I know. Sorry about that, pls let us know what you think about this Alan.

I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner btw; I have another bike I don't use in storage, & I had just put in a new battery a few months before I put it away. I'll take it out next time I get to the garage it's stored at.

They're pretty heavy though, so it's not ideal but still a nice option to have for certain occasions. Like on the beach for instance :tup:

ps: idk about your laws, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal over here to take photo's like that without permission.. Thanks for thinking of us though :lol:

That's a big difference btw, the size of your adapter. Does it look like mine at least or do you have a completely different one?


It's mated with some UD parts in that photo, but you get the idea.

Sorry you broke your GonG stem btw, mine feels rather sturdy I must say. I opted for the thickest glass though, did you have one of the thinner versions perhaps?

Sad to hear about those killed dogs. I believe some dogs are great snake hunters though, or do they have to be trained for that perhaps?
Luckily we only have a few small vipers here, not that dangerous & very shy. Not many dangerous animals at all in these parts. A relief in many ways, but a little boring at the same time as well.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
yes i thought of that too about the stems,but I guess thats something for the gurus to work out.We get to do all the good bits.think of something and it appears.I love it.all you need is money or a bank to lend you money.Dont go there BANKS:rant:

about the battery Its insane were still using acid lead batteries today its ancient tech .that bike bat is 1 1/2 ks i think

My stem piece broke trying to wedge something onto the thin male gong end which is turned and therefore a little weaker.

My adapter is similar but steps in so theres no way i could push that Ud stem through it.It shrinks to 10mm at the bottom.

Billy Connolly said it right.everything in australia wants to bite you or sting you or eat you.That is why I eat lots of shark and jellyfish Squid from the takeaway:brow: payback:rockon:

the redback spider is the best it likes dark damp places,so it hides under the toilet seat and bites youre nuts while you use the toilet. and then you re nuts rot (necrosis) over time..I mean years OTA NICCCCEE:lol:


Head of Pot
A motorcycle battery and a 12v socket in a backpack is a great power source. I've use it for the MFLB PA and def plan on pulling it back out when I get my HI. I use it on my boat a ton. Without it, I risk draining my boat battery getting baked lol


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
My Goodness, Jeppy! Nice picture! :tup:

I just nabbed some hash, which is rare for me (I'm strictly a flower guy). I cranked the HI up to roast it. JedHIs, let's just say I'm friggin blasted. Damn, even with all my other fancy vaporizers, the HI never stops amazing me.


Pure Vaporist
My Goodness, Jeppy! Nice picture! :tup:

I just nabbed some hash, which is rare for me (I'm strictly a flower guy). I cranked the HI up to roast it. JedHIs, let's just say I'm friggin blasted. Damn, even with all my other fancy vaporizers, the HI never stops amazing me.
Vapinghole,,,,don't thank me,,thank bwade! What kind of hash was it?


My Goodness, Jeppy! Nice picture! :tup:

I just nabbed some hash, which is rare for me (I'm strictly a flower guy). I cranked the HI up to roast it. JedHIs, let's just say I'm friggin blasted. Damn, even with all my other fancy vaporizers, the HI never stops amazing me.

Huh? You say something? I don't think you're going to get much play on your post. There's a distraction above you.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here. Turn your attention, back to the beach.
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Active Member

Unsure of what it is? If so it's a naturally occurring tryptamine that is found in our brain, many mammalian brains and in many plants around the world and is said to be the gateway into the 4th dimension, where time does not exist and alien entities show you the secrets of the universe.

Watch or read "DMT: The Spirit Molecule"


Vapor concierge
Yessssss...i finally got my act together using the glass nipple stem with my 14mm adapter with my bubbler. Why didn't I think of that before? Works like a charm! Getting easy, thick his with no threat of combustion.

I haven't felt this good since I built my first saber!

Alan, what's better for both the HI and the VV...plugged in just for use or 24/7?


here for the chicks
Alan posted not to long ago that he leaves his on 24/7. I've been meaning to ask him if that's on full power or on a low voltage though, so here by :)
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u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
Sticks you can leave it on 24/7 both VV and Hi however all electronics have a lifespan and will die sometime.the Hi is relatively simple to fix.The only parts to wear out are easily replaceable.saying that you may get years of 24/7 use before you have an issue.

The resistor can be bought online for a $1. A 12v psu will cost $10 or so on ebay to replace.The VV a little more so if you have simple soldering skills you can rest easy knowing you won t be out of action for long.I always have a resistor and a power supply sitting here just in case the shtf.

Good luck with Boobs nipple:)

Alan posted not to long ago that he leaves his on 24/7. I've been meaning to ask him if that's on full power or on a low voltage though, so here by :)
The lower the heat the less likely the resistor will burn out or crack.Again though some pds and crzs are running 24/7 on full 12v heat for years and they use exactly the same components as the Hi:tup:
Unsure of what it is? If so it's a naturally occurring tryptamine that is found in our brain, many mammalian brains and in many plants around the world and is said to be the gateway into the 4th dimension, where time does not exist and alien entities show you the secrets of the universe.

Watch or read "DMT: The Spirit Molecule"

I haven't tried it, but from what I've read about DMT and what I know about my HIs through experience, I think the HI would be an ideal DMT vape. Crazy shit, not sure if I'll ever have the balls to try it.

I leave my HI on 24/7, but I dial the VV down to 12:00 when I'm not having a session. This keeps the wood warm (but not hot), and allows you to be up to temperature in 1-2 minutes when you do want to have a session. I can get very light vapor from a fresh bowl even at 12:00. I think this is actually "better" for the HI than turning it off completely in between sessions, since the shift in temperature is less drastic.


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
You try it every night as you close your eyes and fall alseep...

I've heard of people having good results from using 155 degree Celsius on variable temperature vapes; can the HI get that low?
You try it every night as you close your eyes and fall alseep...

I certainly don't want to derail my favorite thread on FC, but are we sure about that? I read on Erowid that the idea that DMT is produced naturally in the brain by your pineal gland is only a theory. The main scientist interviewed in DMT: The Spirit Molecule admits this: link to Erowid


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
Well of course it's up for debate; how can we ever really know what's going on in our living minds? All I know is that the experience is exactly the same to me as a very vivid, lucid dream, which leads me to think that it is. But anyway, I don't want to be a derailer either, just a thought...
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