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Just got home.... Decided to not just hit the clubs, I needed to surf. I was overdue. Been like 2 weeks! Anyway I'm home and covered on sand from my toes to my nose. Still though pictures before a shower! I did promise.
Ok here's some of my collection. This is only my HI collection, and believe me it would be bigger except for that pesky wait list lol! There are also more things not pictured of course like other VoltageKeepers, battery packs, a box of various cables, glass stems, etc...
From left to right we have the new stem Alan made, 2 GonG 14mm one long & one short, a 14mm Guatemalan Granadillo shorty WonG by ED (modded by me to solid wood), 2 Black Locust 14mm WonG stems one glass tip & one all wood by Alan, one 18mm all wood B&W Ebony WonG by Alan, and two Redwood Burl glass tipped WonG stems in 14mm and 18mm.
In the back are two VKs, from left there is a small/tall the works case, and a custom designed (for me) internal battery pack powered VK. My other VKs are being upgraded and not here for the photo (in case anyone is wondering where they went).
This is my 100 year old pine HI. It's made from salvaged wood from a remodel. Love it!
My first HI. The Redwood Burl with a Granite base. My baby... Even have stems to match (see first pic)...Alan rocks at making matching stems! Even when he's not trying!
So there you have it. My current collection.
I feel like a proud papa right now. Lol.
That redwood burl with granite is beautiful!!!!! Did u supply the material for that or was that one just made for u?