Any word on the new bags yet? Herbalizer website has been out of stock on bags for months & all 4 of my valves developed a big crack in the center from use pretty early on, they're becoming increasingly un-useable. Does anyone know about the status of the new valve design? Right now I'd take any generation of bag if they had any available, kinda frustrating they've been out of stock on an essential and consumable component for months now. I do still love this thing though for the record

The bags hooked up to scientific glass is my favorite method, but the valves on my bags have had just about every bit of life carefully and slowly milked from all of them, depression-era style, and I've been stuck refreshing the Herbalizer shop page for months with no luck. I'm of the opinion that the valve design needs upgrading anyway, I hope that's still being worked on & would love to hear an update. Most importantly, I'd like to see that "Out Of Stock" status go away so I can get back to using bags again!
As far as new valves go, here are all the improvements I can think of right now that would make my day:
*Better retention of vapor - via better internal valve seal and better seal to the bowl
*Hands-Free operation without losing vapor - at this point my bags lose some amount of vapor during filling no matter what, but it can be improved by holding them onto the bowl manually, and this can get annoying. This has always been an issue for me, even when the bags were almost brand new. And not to be redundant, but the solution to this problem could likely be achieved via a better seal to the bowl when attached.
*More durability of valves - I am very gentle with these things, but they all started developing small tears after just a few uses, and it would just progress no matter how careful I was.
*Easier bag-change, if possible. The orange tape thing works, but I wonder if there could be something that would be a bit easier to work with that would also have a higher guarantee of getting a perfect seal for every bag change.
Also a tip on bag changes: in order to make sure you've made an adequate seal using the bit of orange tape etc, I give the assembled & empty bag a good hard suck, and if it's like you're hitting a brick wall, you know you've done the job right

Whereas if the seal is not adeuqate, you can just keep pulling endlessly even after the bag is completely empty. I have filled bags where I neglected to do this test, and it leaked even more vapor than usual. But alas, even with a brand-new stock herbie bag, my original issues persist after just a short time.
Also I am honored that Herbalizer used my quote in their recent mailing! Mad love for all you guys here and at Herbalizer

Let's just get those bags going dammit

For science!
And by dammit I mean please and thank you
I think it would also be pretty sweet if there were an option to purchase just the bags instead of the bag & valve system, or even just the valves too! The bags get used up quicker than the valves & although you can get by with turkey bags at the grocery store, ime they are way harder to attatch to the valve without leaks because the herbalizer bags are custom formed for the valve, and have a much narrower opening. Less excess bag to have to try & wrangle around the tape - it's been taking me several attempts to get a good seal with my turkey bags. Whereas I look over at the stock herbie bags, and it looks soooo much easier to attach. I am sure there is a way for Herbalizer to still make money here...but having to spend $35 for 4 bags & valves every single time is a little much for my blood - I'd much rather just buy the replacement for the part that's broken rather than getting and also spending more than I need.