+1 for larger diameter tubing. I've gotta try putting a domed screen in the top section of my herb chamber; zero air restriction coupled with the raw amount of vapor the Herbalizer puts out is a killer combo, especially through a water pipe. I recently picked up an FC-1000 to use with my Herbie and I love this combination of ultra potent, tasty vapor and a large volume piece known for it's ability to maintain flavor. I've now convinced the friend that first introduced me to the Herbie to get one as well, rather he was convinced after using the combo for the first time (smooth vapor through 445!). Even better, there is no way to send water back up the whip, due to the design, which proved to be fatal for my Herbalizer a couple months ago when a friend blew back into the bubbler I had coupled with my Herbie. Luckily getting it repaired was hassle free, informative, and pretty quick, not to mention much cheaper than I had expected. Having the FC-1000 is great because now for first time since that happened I can let anyone run my Herbalizer through it without anxiously watching them to make sure they don't blow water through the whip.
The efficacy of the Herbalizer is unlike any other vaporizer I've used (I still need to try a few of the heavy hitters out there like the EVO). When I've got my tolerance under control I'm usually limiting myself to one full Herbie trench at night a few hours before I go to sleep, then on weekends I'll indulge as much as I want (usually the equivalent of around 3 trenches throughout the day). If I follow that regimen I am able to get not only satisfactorily, but surprisingly medicated on a daily basis, add a 24 hour tolerance break to the equation and...

. Friends that didn't like using my vaporizers because they felt as though they weren't very effective now only use my Herbalizer on occasion because it gets them "too high," meanwhile they'll run trench after trench through my other vapes when they use them. The closest I was able to come to a daily vaping routine that got me as medicated as my Herbie does now was when I was micro-dosing 0.05g nightly through my Solo with weekend t-breaks. With that routine I know the reason I was getting so medicated was because I had no tolerance, t-breaks did just about nothing unless I took a whole week off, and even then the return was only marginal. Never would I have imagined that I could regularly get as medicated as I do using my Herbalizer while maintaining a tolerance. Alas, it is true and because of this I doubt that I'll ever need to buy another vape.... except maybe a log, or the Milaana... the Lotus and VapCap look pretty cool too...