As a lover of mflb and them being my only vape for my first few years of vaping ... I find this very amusing and accurate. Everyone wants love man, why do you think hookers exist? MFLB is our community prostitute, and we love them for it!
Originally wandered over to this thread because I'm looking for Christmas presents for people to get me ... unfortunately no one buys me vape

Hoping one day I can join the Herbie Community, nothing like feeling like you're vaping through a Mac.
All my vapes are analogue except for my GH, but I still really want temperature control at some point in my life. I always had the idea that the Herbie provides an airy hit though as opposed to thick...not sure why this is in my head and it's not really based off anything ... any clear ups there?
I know we have owned a few of the same vapes , I'll have my herbalizer soon & try and get you some solid info on it compared to my others. I recently got one but some of the plastic was cracked and i like all my vapes to be mint so i sent it in for repair. Should be around another week before it gets back in my hands. Nobody buys me vapes either , my girl doesn't mind buying for me but the ones i like are expensive and i feel bad making her spend so much plus the one time she bought me a vape from a company called gotvape she had nothing but horror stories. She was charged twice , the vape (goboof Alfa) arrived broken , sent in and it was just nothing but trouble. We had to fight it with the credit card company and it was a long process. I usually just buy what i want now on my own . Anyway happy holidays , temp control is cool but out of all my vapes analog or digital i usually always stick with the same temp and just work my way up usually. It's always nice to see and have a lcd screen though. I believe the Herbalizer is oled though , even better.
@WeAreVenom , Herbalizer just emailed me some info i'd like to share with you as i wait for mine to return from repair :
For the best Herbie efficiency, we definitely recommend cleaning your bowl screens regularly. The best cleaning solution is isopropyl alcohol (ISO.) The mesh in our screens is very fine, so after a few uses they may be filled with sticky residue, even if they look clean upon first glance inside your bowl.
• Pop out both the top and bottom screens with the end of your cleaning brush, soak those in ISO for at least 15 minutes and clean off with the brush or cloth before then placing them back inside of your bowl.
• We also recommend soaking the 2 bowl pieces in ISO, though it's best to remove the rubber cool grips first and separate out the screens for a thorough cleaning.
• The screens will also get less "gunky" and allow for better airflow if you use a medium grind for your product and only fill the bowl halfway. Also fill your bowl very loosely, as opposed to packing medicine down. You only really need a few pinches of herb for a session.
Filling your Bowl
Any herb that might be on the same surface as the unit can be sucked up through the vent at the bottom. So it helps to not fill the bowl directly over or around the unit, and to rid your surface of medicine and dust before turning on your unit.
A little goes a long way when vaping concentrates, oils and waxes or using finely ground materials in your bowl. We recommend using a stacking method with your Herbalizer's aroma pads within the bowl:
• Place a clean pad in the bottom of your bowl, and the one used for direct materials on top - this prevents any dripping into your oven.
• If you mix materials with herb in your bowl, also place a clean pad in the bottom of your bowl first to collect any residue.
• You may clean the aromapads in isopropyl alcohol, just as you would your screens.
• When using the aromatherapy mode and the pad slot with essential oils, you only need one or two drops.
• We also recommend placing a small amount of ISO on a Q-tip or rag to clean the aromapad slot of essential oil residue after use
One trick to lengthen balloon life is to make sure a clear air path is present before inflating it with vapor.
• Blow a bit of your own air into the mouthpiece before placing the balloon on your bowl to vape.
• Hold the top of the balloon straight up and down while it fills, rather than leaving it on the bowl while you walk away.
• Try switching between balloon and whip use to lengthen the life of each accessory.
Surge Protector
We recommend always plugging your Herbalizer into a surge protector, just as you would with any computer.
Happy Holidays!