All I wanted to know from Josh is if he thinks I would be risking any loss if I sent my machine to the company. I know he suggests to send it in, but if a company may possible "go away" as he states, I wanted to know if there was risk involved. I feel slightly attacked from these responses but nonetheless I am still keeping my calm lol never did I panic or express any panic simply asked a question.
Let us get back on topic yes?
Just went and checked Herbalizer's FB page and they have taken down my question and their answer. I wondered if they might do that so here's the screen shot I took yesterday. Doesn't increase my confidence in Herbalizer that they removed my post though. You can still see the one from Shiloh below my deleted post.
I wasn't going to say anything, but I saw your post on Facebook. When I went back later, it was gone. That was a little unnerving. I don't know what to believe, but I know I love my Herbie. It will make me very sad if this company does not continue.
My suggestion would be crowd sourced funding for the next @Engineer project. Many companies including VXH have been successful at raising capital this way. If people want it, they will come.
That's why we have paypal buyer protectionYou guys shock me. It's scary how based on the word of someone who we don't know, stating allegations against a company that forced him out for reasons unknown but said company chooses to remain quiet at this point (most likely because their in a legal battle) and regardless of their side of the story your ready to crowd fund one side?
Wtf! He could have been banished from the company because he's fucking batshit crazy but hey, fuck it, please take my money. In a legal battle and probably received letters of cease and desist but he still seems to slam them. If he's so innocent where the fuck is Bob and Sheila? Don't you think they might defend him?
In stead of getting ourselves into a stupid decision just fucking wait. Since when are we the judge and jury? We don't know the fucking truth!
He's been a member for fucking years but without anyone knowing until he felt he had an agenda. Hello! Against the fucking rules. What else has he lied about?
Don't get me wrong, he could be in the clear but that's my point. I have no idea. And until then, I for one ain't throwing money at fucking anyone until I do know.
I was also thinking of buying a second Herbie as a backup since there's a 150$ off sale, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea(just money wise), or if I should go for it? Thoughts peeps?
Overeall I love Herbie, but don't want to be without it/it breaking on me...
I'm not an attorney, but it seems to me that publicly stating your expansion plans when you've already started shutting down business would open a company to a heap of potential legal trouble.
As for warranties there is a few things. 1. If they try to void our warranty, but still try to sell products they would get bashed and lose their business. 2. I don't know how the law works, but I'm sure a nice lawsuit from every member of FC's herbie thread would be upsetting to them for voiding their warranty and promises towards their product.
At that price you could get a new or lightly used Volcano. It's just as high-quality and the manufacturer is healthy and stable.I have a Crafty vaporizer, I'm thinking of buying a herbaliser used on ebay, 8 months of use according to the seller, is it worth?
About U$ 410,00
I'm not an attorney either (my brother is), but I do have a grasp of basic legal concepts: like the corporation. The whole point of incorporating is so that the company becomes the legally responsible entity, and not the business owners. Companies are under no obligation to act "morally" either: they only care about maximizing profit however possible. The only reason that lawsuits have a deterrent effect is because they cost money (both in terms of cash and in terms of public image), and companies are in the business of reducing costs wherever possible. The idea a dying company would fear a "false advertising" lawsuit, and modify its behavior because of that threat of financial loss (when it already plans to close and liquidate its assets anyway) is pretty silly.
It is pretty common practice for companies to continue to project "business as normal" to both the consumer and low-level employees right up until the day the doors close.
Acting like it's business as usual is a lot different then falsly advertising growth with intent on dissolving the company is not only immoral but illegal as well.
Do you think because they're protected by the "corporate veil" a bank is going to back them in what's still federally an illegal activity?
@DarkEnigma I'm not talking about if they close business, but if they are trying to get out of warranty with changing companies/structure. They would be screwed and people would know who they are.
On a Tech note, the top and bottom screens are the same size but not a standard size or weave. The screens made for Herbie are optimized, but others will Work probably just fine. Add long as they are clean. And be careful not to always trust your eyes, the screens can get buildup that affects performance without being visually evident.