@Chill Dude, thanks for the response.
As I mentioned in my post you can load a decent amount, but if you had to, you could load up multiple bowls as well. I packed a really nice bowl last night and got 10 monster clouds off of it. I came back today to finish it off with another bunch of hits. Sadly in my video I did use a tiny amount ( I wanted to show off that a small bowl can produce monster rips, but maybe I should have showed a FULL bowl as well).....
The bowl I packed a few minutes ago was filled up very high, but since you squish is down it compresses A LOT.
I just weighed it at 18.25 (with bottom bowl). The bottom bowl for me was weighed in at 17.95, plus I weighed an extra screen which came out to 0.9 so I am going to give it a solid 1.0 just incase my scale was off (since it was basically dying). This means I have about a 0.2 packed right now, not bad

. This means I'm sure I could pack in at least 0.25-0.3 These figures might be off since my scale was basically dead when weighing, but doubt that the results would be affected that much. I will retest later, but 0.2 is pretty decent, I am surprised at that amount as well, so that is why I am personally wanting to retest/questioning the results. I was going to post this while in the middle of my bowl, but I will post my stats here instead.
11 huge, tasty hits off of this bowl (without removing the bowl/stirring).
Note I removed the bowl and went to feed/take my dogs out. I am very very high, and will make a mention in my next post how many more hits I get. So far 11, but we shall see

So my suggestion to you is try packing a bowl, and see if it will pack down into the groove. Sometimes it takes a bit to get the hang of it, but you should notice the screen sitting in the groove. Sometimes little parts are sticking up, and you have to put it down, which might pop another side up... The bottom screen can move out a little bit, so you do give yourself extra room if you can manage your bottom screen correctly (I've never had it happen on the unit, but the bottom part could fall out[doubtful since I've had the screen hangingout before]).
Whether you pack a small, or a big load, you're going to feel great, and get big rips. Plus, even if you had to pack, lets say 3 bowls, the time it took to pack those 3 bowls is less than the time it would take you to pack your 1 big bowl, and clean it every time. Also, as I mentioned before if you want a bigger bowl you can super pack the bottom screen to it's max, and then pack more bud ontop of it, then put another screen where the top screen should be. Now you baically have your regular bowl which you can pack as much as you would normally, as well as your super packed bowl on the bottom

. It's like riding a car with NOS BOOOOST

@Highland7, it is interesting that you are using the Volcano bags/unit.
The reason why it's filling up thicker/faster is a couple of reasons.
1. It apparently fits more bud which will allow it to createthicker clouds.
2. It has a plunger to keep the bud packed tight in place (my method does the same).
3. The herbie allows bud to fly all over with the regular method, thus getting shit caught and making the fan take FOREVER to work.
@John Lewus
They say a herbie bag takes 30-90 seconds to fill, but that depends on if anything is clogging the top screen(using the regular method).
Teh taste is amazing, but I cannot comment on the Volcano... MY extreme didn't taste like this though (V3).
The cano is just a giant air pump, so it's hard to beat it when it comes to that since it's all it does, period.
Thats what I use. I stick a little piece of the white silicone tubing into the clear SSV tubing and connect that to the herbie bowl so it uses the normal connection and not just fitting over the top of thebowl. I found gettting the tubing off the bowl was hard, and it woul cause me to stretch the tubing, thus making it bend easier (NO BUENO).
@mixchu69, with my method TBH oil is much better in the herbie than anything else.
Why it's better than an enail is simple.
1. You get to dial in the same temps with bud(which is proper vaping temps) i.e., I was getting dabs at 380*F.
2. Many many many hits. You throw in a bit of oil, and it will vape for awhile. It's not like a dab where you drop and go, you put some in, it soaks in and you get lots of nice, tasty rips.
I have never used an enail, but my buddies tried doing a 450*F dab off of an enail and they said it was awful (no taste, but got high, didn't feel a hit though).
Why use 700*+ when you could use exact temps at 400 or so? Not only are you not wasting product (i.e., burning oil like if you were to smoke bud at those higher temps), lower temps are smoother, and the taste is EXACT to bud.
I have Blue Dream oil and Blue Dream bud and they both taste the same. I have never experienced this with a torch and a nail, but again I have never used an enail to compare this flavor; however again I cannot see how 700* is going to be good for your material, especially conduction.
Enails are better if you want an instant hit, but I don't know how many people prefer one to the other. IDk how long enails take to heat up either, but you get instant rips with the herbie, just pack, turn on, and go. Problem is you have to take more hits, which isn't a bad thing... right?
The Herbie is an amazing device when used properly. TBH I am interested in the volcano solid valve to see how to get the most out of bags. I am confused on these valves though. Originally I thought volcano bags had a side valve (maybe that's the ez valve?) that you would push to inahle from. This one seems you just push against it, and there is vapor!
It's definitely a cool tool if you have friends over and want to blow bags (seems to hold more, bud well too).
Plus I'm trying to see if I could mod the bag system to allow for whips/glass (that would be awesome); however 120$ is a lot, but maybe I don't need everything? It seemed that you could use the herbie bowl with the solid valve filling part, but it seems the way to go is to get a full valve set?
Thanks all!