@Highland, yeah the whip tastes funky, the bags tasted funky. The whip was okay, but yeah the SSV whip is much much better! I find the old method sucks, so either way sucking on it produced no vapor for me, my new method is a different story

As for
1. I spent 10$ on SSV tubing (10 feet) on SSV's website. What "kit" did you have to buy and why?
2. Yeah solid valve looks like the legit thing to go to.
3. Yeah, Herbie is a kick ass vape, but it has problems.
Besides the shitty whip, and bags, the auto-shut off if also annoying....
@mixchu69, it's more an issue with the bowl than the whip, the whip is okay, but I noticed the SSV whip gives you a faster rip, due to the thicker tubing, which ends up gving you a thicker hit overall. It's thin, so muight be better for the minivap, but it has a "clean" taste when you first get it, so it might not be preferrred.
I personally say to go with the SSV whip since it doesn't taste like anything, but either whip should be preferred. Just need to use my method to get thick nice rips

@Highland, until we find out a way for the bags with the solid valve, he is looking at using the whip.
@mmafighterthe25 yeah that's how it is when you pack it down nice and are able to get those thick rips. The punger is great, it's doing the same thing as my screen method, which is nice.
@Vicki oh, well close enough

I was referring to this method in my video