I know this is subjective. Herbalizer the best plug-in? Cloud evo?
I will probably buy both, but have to ask the question. Which one would you buy first. Herbie=versatile, precise temp, fan and aromatherapy. Evo: water filt, better for concentrates with the vxnail, bigger clouds.
Does that sound correct? I have been eyeing these two. Is there anything I'm missing. These observations are made by reading thru both threads. I have not used either.
Sending herbie to be calibrated today, wish her luck!
I owned an evo and will say although it CAN do concentrates it doesnt mean its great at doing them. I just did not like the whole method of the vapexhale nail and prefer a real dab or using my muad'dib. Personally I havnt used the herbie but it looks very nice. I wish they put more money into the casing of the unit so it didnt have as much plastic.I know this is subjective. Herbalizer the best plug-in? Cloud evo?
I will probably buy both, but have to ask the question. Which one would you buy first. Herbie=versatile, precise temp, fan and aromatherapy. Evo: water filt, better for concentrates with the vxnail, bigger clouds.
Does that sound correct? I have been eyeing these two. Is there anything I'm missing. These observations are made by reading thru both threads. I have not used either.
My magnetic ring also fell off.
If you contact Herbalizer support they will priority ship you a new bottom bowl free of charge. Something about the epoxy not curing in the first batches. Then you ship your defective bowl back. They even give you a prepaid shipping label.
I am the one that posted the pics of the solid valve. Just lightly hold the valve and it will be leak free. The only thing is be careful not to drop the solid valve on the LCD screen.
I have finished testing my new easy, air tight bag change method for the SqueezeValve. Pics hopefully tommarow.
One more question...
From what I understand, I just need the valve that connects to the bag, and the mouthpiece right?
You said one COULD use the filling chamber, if you want the bags to fill themselves (without pressing down).
Solid valve still leaks for me, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I used it with the bag that came attached to it, so there couldn't be an user error in setting up the bag.
I can easily smoke bongs etc, but now my roommates can smell it again. Starting to hate this device! (Sorry)
The original whip is awful, the original bags are awful, the bowls are awful ...
Going to put mine up for sale!
Has anyone tried volcano easy valve bags with the herbie?
I literally just want as machine to blow bags, and doesn't leak (After looking around a bit I think even the volcano leaks)
I am very frustrated!
Only while filling ... I already know the leak is coming from me pressing down on the herbalizer bowl with the solid valve... I'm even sitting when I do it, but you have to keep your hand perfectly still and it still doesn't work...Are you getting leaks from the bags after they are full or are you getting leaks while the bags are filling?
May I suggest cleaning your bowl and taking the top half to your LHS and have them help you convert to a gong, before selling it? I have a high temp silicone grommet (red in color) around the top of the output on the bowl, then an 18 mm female to 18 mm female gong snugly on that. From there I can convert to whatever I need. For bag setup, I use a 10 mm male and have never had any leakage. For whip and WT I use an 18 mm male to whip 90. Makes herbie so much more enjoyable, just watch to make sure the bowl doesn't unscrew itself.
@Fine Grind's post about Herbie bags inspired me to take a few photos of my setup. I really enjoy using Herbie bags with scientific glass too but I've similar troubles with the valves on the Herbie bags leaking and having to hold the bag onto the bowl while it fills.
This felt like a lot of effort to repeat over and over. I also really wanted a good way to use my HT with Herbie. I read about other user's experiments creating a GonG connection for the Herbie bowl and tried a few of my own. I finally found something that worked really well.
I took some SSV whip tubing and cut a 1/4" slice of it off. I ran the slice of tubing under hot water and stretched and forced it over the Herbie bowl.
Then I slid a 18mm to 14mm reducer over the top of the bowl, using the SSV whip slice as a gasket for a tight seal. I just twist the adapter tightly onto the bowl.
Now I have a 18mm male connector attached to the top of both my Herbie bowls and can use GonG connectors for everything. I have an 18mm female whip adapter that fits over the Herbie bowl so I can use it with whip too.
For bags, I use an 18mm female to 14mm female adapter.
Then I take a 14mm whip adapter...
...and pop it right up into the valve of the Herbie bag.
I've had no leaking at all with this method during filling. The combined height of the 3 adapters also lifts the bag so it can rest on the opened top of Herbie while it fills.
I never need to mess with the bag as it fills. I just leave the whip adapter in the Herbie bag and pop it into any of my glass I want. I don't have to hold anything and can walk around with the bag firmly attached to my water piece with no vapor leakage.
Next step is figuring out a way to do away with valves altogether and just seal turkey bags to the 14mm whip adapter.
Only while filling ... I already know the leak is coming from me pressing down on the herbalizer bowl with the solid valve... I'm even sitting when I do it, but you have to keep your hand perfectly still and it still doesn't work...
Also , it was mentioned that with the filling chamber you can fill balloons hands free ... When I did this so much smoke poured out it was unbelievable... Maybe we have different filling chambers because mine has like slits in it, the smoke came out of there.