or....they see this the way Apple does it...keep everything secret, then throw the specs and info at you, but nobody knows a thing untill they actually hit the market.
Not much of a comparison when pretty much every Apple product has components leaked months in advance of the actual release.
But that's not what they said. What they said was they didn't want to get any out for review because it would bite into the amount of units that they wanted to release and could push back their release date, but as I said previously, that makes no sense to me. How could releasing a few beta units to reviewers do anything as far potentially pushing back their release dates due to not enough units being available. What makes more sense is that it could push back their release date because the initial units put out for beta review may prove to be faulty in one or another, which, btw, is pretty typical for any new product launch and is the exact reason why a manufacture SHOULD release a few betas for review before any launch date has been committed to.
The ONLY way that a few beta review units could hold up distribution to consumers is if the beta units got bad reviews.
Somethin' just doesn't seem right here.
Yeah like I mentioned before I'm hoping it's just the lack of money on-hand that's preventing them from getting more units made and sent out. I'd be
incredibly surprised if 5 units set them back more than a day on shipping. And like we all know, just because
they built it and have tested it for longer doesn't mean it's the best way to go about it. Do I need to mention the Ascent? Maybe just for ZP to read over and get an idea of what the forum's like.
I haven't chipped in yet although I'd like to. Having seen the delays and problems that DaVinci and TET had with their latest products, plus only having one video where the unit is loaded and used, makes me nervous. At least TET posted lots of videos of Cera being used, even before they shipped. Anyone remember their EO Pure Gold video? Torching it? LL clips?
Shit, VapeXhale sent out beta units and iirc one of them (from the company) had to mortgage their house to have the funds to keep going.
I do see the point of whoever brought up the "what if they run with it?" question, but that's a risk-reward ratio. Maybe have one or two people might (though I don't expect that to be anyone from FC

) sell it instead of using it or whatever, but if you end up finding a weird software bug that's in every unit because you didn't want to beta before you started producing the actual finished products... you're gonna have a fun time kicking yourself over and over.
I do feel like we need to make a distinction between what we're calling these pre-prodo units, though. It can either be a beta unit or a review unit, but I'm not sure if it can be both. Beta meaning we'll get to use it and try to make it fuck up and find bugs that get fixed, review more or less meaning to give an opinion on the product which currently hasn't even entered production. I think for now we should stick to calling them beta units.
Don't get me wrong, I want this thing to work so so badly. All of us do! I dunno what they're cooking in their lab but really it's going to take 5 minutes, maybe 10 to shoot another quick usage video that would surely assuage our anxieties. You don't even have to do anything while it uploads!
But for now... only time will tell. ZP, I know you'll see this eventually. Don't take what I post in here to heart... or do, but don't be offended by it. I'm not purposefully trying to discredit anything or make you guys look like fools. I'm not sure if you were upset by my question about the battery, if you were that wasn't my intention... but when I said we were a bunch of vape fanatics, I wasn't kidding. We can make or break ya, and as much as I hate to say we're somewhat important in the vape world as a community, it's kinda true. The vast majority of us own multiple vaporizers, hang out with people that have multiple vaporizers, try to get smokers into vaporizing, etc. We've had ~15 FC members hang out with a company to try their up-and-coming stuff. There was a fair bit more excitement for it afterwards when we were able to post our pictures and videos of it.
I guess the only thing you (ZP) can take from this long-winded post is this: strap on the helmet, put the protective gear on, and get ready. You'll be fielding questions and troubleshooting problems that you didn't even think could happen. This is an exciting time for all of us. Best of luck.
Edit since I don't want to back-to-back post (this one's for you, @
One, is that you can't see his face.
Two, is you never really see the vape in his mouth and being so, there is the possibility that he never really hit the vape at all but rather already had a lungful of vapor and just put the vape to the side of his face and exhaled what was already in his lungs.
I'll address these two real quick since they were already discussed.
1. South Carolina doesn't have a medical program, so they're covering their bases.
2. Although you
don't get a 100% perfectly clear shot of the vaporizer on the user's lips, the material does change colors from that greenish to a uniform yellow. They also mentioned that it's both a conduction
and convection kind of vaporizer, and fairly balanced at that (their words, not mine). I'm going to assume that it's convection when you start to use it but the hot air causes some conduction at the bowl-end. Assuming that, and assuming that they weren't actually using it, I would imagine that the spent material would still have some noticeable amount of green left. The fact that it's uniform and went from green to yellow tells me that they probably did use it. But, ya know, we still haven't seen mouth-on-pen action (yeah yeah dirty jokes hehehe) clearly enough to erase any concerns.
And to add to the previous post I made, in the OP of the thread ZP states that they had just finished with their prototype/proof-of-concept units. Someone quoted the price in the thousands of dollars, I'm not sure how close to the truth that is because I don't work with ZP and I honestly don't have enough economics/trading experience to figure out if that's an accurate cost or not. Being that they're just prototypes with preliminary features, they have the choice of ordering a certain amount with the risk of
That all being said, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt right now.