Legal in Washington State
You've made your skepticism of the company's legitimacy very clear. All of the above has been raised ad nauseum throughout over 200 pages of this thread. Your comments add nothing to the discussion without any solid proof of wrongdoing, just more speculation and noise.
If you would like to discuss these matters further, feel free to PM me, but do not continue accusatory posts in this thread as they can only be considered company bashing and we don't allow that around here.
I am too. Hell, we all are. Let's keep it civil.
You're the staff, so I'll have to shut up. But, come on... What people do on forums like this is write stuff "ad nauseum." Geez, I have fewer than 30 posts. I find it hard to believe those with thousands of posts have mostly written with absolute originality. Oh, and it's mostly speculation and subjective experience reporting. That's the charm, and potential value, of forums. As for "company bashing"....well there's also consumer protection (as in, caveat emptor: let the buyer beware). I'm on the consumer protection side of things. One person's bashing is another's effort to protect against wasted money.
I love forum moderators who have settled issues of appropriate civility that have been debated for centuries. My humble opinion: preventing a reasonable exchange of ideas is the deadliest of all civility sins. How about erring on the side of only censoring false speech which mighty directly incite harmful action (e.g., yelling "fire" in a movie theatre when no such event exists, threatening somebody with violence, etc.).