The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware


Waistband Optimizer
Staff member
This vape kicks my ass but in a nice gentlemanly black tie kinda way.

One of my favorite dudes has this set up and brought it over for a sesh. Before we started up I was really impressed with the overall look of this device. Ed's gorgeous blackwood handles with the bright stainless steel head gives a very high end pro kind of look that I like a whole lot.

I vaped 4 bowls through this and had to tap out. I have a HIGH tolerance but 4 and I had to sit down to collect myself. Should have stopped at two but you know how exciting it can be when you get the opportunity to try a new vape.

I used a Goo Roo glass piece, very similar to the one this guy shows in his videos. Thanks for those by the way, I enjoy watching your seshes. I want to be standing there right next to you and sharing in the fun.

I used the Flower Kettle with the cap on and without. Both ways are very good. I tend to hit vapes very hard so the cap helps create a small bit of restriction so I can really get after it. With the cap on I got all the vapor I could possibly want and more. Flavor was very good. I tried 4 different strains and could easily pick out the flavor notes of each one. Each strain had a detectable different taste, as it should, and this wonderful device did nothing to mask that.

My thoughts based on a first sesh: I love that I could hit this as hard as I want and not overwhelm the heater like i do in smaller devices. This is early to say this and I need more sesh time to verify but, I'd put the flavor in the ball park of the DC Elev8R a device that I've twice awarded my "Most Reached for Vape" 2021 and 2022. As for appearance I'm usually leaning towards colorful swirly woods but boy does this black and silver look sharp.

I'm going to be using this frequently in the coming weeks and will update thoughts on it. Initially though, very nice work Custom Flower Hardware man!



Well-Known Member
Update: been using the Kettle every day since getting it four or five weeks ago. Been working great and experimenting.
‘Tried big bowls and small bowls across the two bowls available. Initially I liked the one with the carb slide but over time I find myself liking the all glass. Just set it on there, let it heat soak, and milk away with the all glass bowl. Finding small amounts work very efficiently and makes the effects seem more head focused. Hybrids only option.

still,got to say this is next level and can’t wait to buy the new soon to be released bowl. Can see the new bowl proving more conduction heating. Can’t wait to sampl,e


Charles Mingus
i am curious if this setup will ever be set in stone or it will be revolving for quite some time. It sounds like there are now two new parts in the works and I'd rather wait until the setup is totally finalized before grabbing one.
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Well-Known Member
i am curious if this setup will ever be set in stone or it will be revolving for quite some time. It sounds like there are now two new parts in the works and I'd rather wait until the setup is totally finalized before grabbing one.
That’s one option or join the fun And take the plunge. Device works as advertised. So far loving mine and no ball Vape has worked this good that I have owned or tried. Suggest taking the plunge


Well-Known Member
Compared to my EVO, the Flower Kettle's taste is on par and the draw is substantively better.

The main issue I had with the EVO is it wasn't entirely an all glass air path unless vaping concentrates. Flower still required the stainless steel basket. Whatever one thinks of that isn't really the point, the point is the restriction on the baskets was always the cap--with an internal diameter roughly the size of the top of a pencil erasure. That would gum up relatively quickly and unless I methodically cleaned my baskets every couple days I had to keep dozens of them loaded and on deck. It wasn't really "fun" for me during an all night session and eventually I just wasn't getting strong, low temp hits because of the resin buildup in the fine mesh of the baskets. I also only infrequently took advantage of using the device with my older water pieces although that was one of the perks of that device so that means I was almost always using the hydratube I originally bought. And although I eventually bought new hydratubes the later blown ones were clearly inferior quality to their earlier ones so I ended up not having a lot of variety over the past decade or so.

The Flower Kettle, though? I think it's fair to say this is the closest I've felt to smoking a huge bong rip in...maybe ever...since I've started vaping (I'm talking about literal decades here). My first rip damn near sent me to the floor. It did send me to the couch for the rest of the afternoon (that was my initial post in this thread)! Since I only had my hydratubes I had to dig out some old bongs from the 90s--nothing like what everyone's using these days. It performed admirably but I still bought some new gear to fully enjoy this masterpiece. It's so easy to use and to use it with a variety of glassware lined up on the desk--the bottom line is that it's fun on top of being effective.


Well-Known Member
Compared to my EVO, the Flower Kettle's taste is on par and the draw is substantively better.

The main issue I had with the EVO is it wasn't entirely an all glass air path unless vaping concentrates. Flower still required the stainless steel basket. Whatever one thinks of that isn't really the point, the point is the restriction on the baskets was always the cap--with an internal diameter roughly the size of the top of a pencil erasure. That would gum up relatively quickly and unless I methodically cleaned my baskets every couple days I had to keep dozens of them loaded and on deck. It wasn't really "fun" for me during an all night session and eventually I just wasn't getting strong, low temp hits because of the resin buildup in the fine mesh of the baskets. I also only infrequently took advantage of using the device with my older water pieces although that was one of the perks of that device so that means I was almost always using the hydratube I originally bought. And although I eventually bought new hydratubes the later blown ones were clearly inferior quality to their earlier ones so I ended up not having a lot of variety over the past decade or so.

The Flower Kettle, though? I think it's fair to say this is the closest I've felt to smoking a huge bong rip in...maybe ever...since I've started vaping (I'm talking about literal decades here). My first rip damn near sent me to the floor. It did send me to the couch for the rest of the afternoon (that was my initial post in this thread)! Since I only had my hydratubes I had to dig out some old bongs from the 90s--nothing like what everyone's using these days. It performed admirably but I still bought some new gear to fully enjoy this masterpiece. It's so easy to use and to use it with a variety of glassware lined up on the desk--the bottom line is that it's fun on top of being effective.
That's a very exciting review!! Can't wait to be able to buy only pieces I need a la carte (crossing fingers).

Not needing to buy stand, handles, bowls, pass thrus, coil, tools, balls, case etc that I already have would bring this into a much more affordable range. And in this forum, I'm probably hardly alone in this circumstance.

Though of course I appreciate that just full kits can be much easier logistically for a new company, and our fella still needs time to make epic vids for his huge collection of vape devices.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Double bowl'd?! :D
Shit I didn’t even think of that one! :razz:My next test was full nug. Thanks for the pro tip, brother!:nod: that was just flower too I'm kinda scared to throw a dab on that! Endless path temp/head temp combos! Plus forget about TIME weed left in bowl triple that in different experiences!:tup: it's designed to sit on the glass joint I just like the passthroughs carb.:brow:
Custom Flower Hardware,
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