The Professor
Must be better than expected? No report is better in some cases lol
So true! Had a lot to do today, but I did get a couple of sessions in. First session I would rate 4 out of 10, took 7 or 8 hits but got little vapor. I realized that I only had filled the bowl half way, so I think that accounted for that problem. Second bowl I filled it and lightly tamped with finger rating went up to a 6 out of 10 as I did get several hits where I saw a bit of vapor (not clouds per se) and definitely got a better effect. I was using very dry but quite compact buds, finger ground. I just medium ground some different but also dry and dense nugs that I will try out for bowl number 3. If the trend continues this one will be an 8.
Overall my first impression is quite positive. The only complaint I will make is that the button is too mushy. Hard to tell when it's pressed and so I tend to press to hard. I have arthritic knuckles so this can become a problem. I will try to keep my eye on the green light to see if it is on though, that may help a lot. I am only up to page 60 so I still have some more schooling to do

It is a sexy vape that makes you want to spend more time with it...