Well-Known Member
That is the correct placement for the screen. It's meant to sit directly on the steel plate, with the edges just underneath the glass bowl. You shouldn't have black ABV at all....mine never gets that dark. And while the unit will get pretty hot if you have a long session with long button pushes and not enough drawing after the button is released, what you are describing doesn't sound normal to me. Worth a call to FF to see what they say. I would guess your coil is misplaced and causing too much heat too quickly, from what little data we have on your FF so far.
My abv gets black every session. More in the center of the bowl. I thought I wasn't shaking/stirring the herb around early enough but it gets burnt every time. The device gets extremely hot, it's almost scary using it back to back. I contacted FF last night through email and it looks like I'll be sending it back in. I'm a bit upset only owning it since Wednesday and I've been following this thread since it started. I have bad luck naturally

Edit: I've tried different consistencies and different strains with the same results. Thin vapor until combusted. Please let me know if this is user error I want to believe so