I go where the thrills are
There's a lot more ff users out there that never come to fc than do, and they probably know nothing about the battery mAh differences. I'm not surprised that ff would want to get rid of the 750s as we're likely the only ones requesting 770s in their place, as long as they're not the defective ones but how to tell.
Sadly, those users probably think the firefly is a piece of shit vape. Then they say as much to their friends etc. If I was firefly I'd have these 750s in the trash. If people view the firefly as 1 bowl per battery, it'll definitely hurt their reputation, and in turn sales. If the firefly was this bad on battery by design, I'd go back to the mighty and sell the firefly again.
Maybe I'm just a sap (wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of that...or maybe it would....

Why the warehouses don't, or aren't instructed to, just TOSS the stand-alone 750s is a mystery. But I'm really loathe to assume any purposeful pushing out of bad stock on FF's part...just doesn't seem congruent with how they operate. Rarely have I encountered a company with a stronger sense of the whole "lifetime value of a customer" ethic.