Thanks for the replies.
Right after posting I got a NEW led color from this unit. It was doing it's normal blue-green-blue-blinking blue-blue-green-blue and then the led turned RED. Only for about 2 seconds and then the led went solid blue, and stayed solid blue, to signify that it was done charging. The firefly does work, so I'm not quite sure what these colors could mean. I don't use it that often, it's only been through 5 bowls in 2 weeks.
You have a regular Laser Floyd show going on there, my friend.

All I ever get is blue (story of my life). Sounds like it's charging properly. And working far.
I made a list of items and called Firefly. They told me again that I shouldn't be seeing those colors. I should only be seeing the colors in the manual, same as those listed in this thread. I told them the unit does work and gave them all the same info. I mentioned the 750 battery and they are sending me a 770 battery and want me to respond with the results. I will let them know and I will reply here.
They have been very good about sending folks the new batteries. I am sure like the rest of us you'll be very impressed. (Oh, and it's quite plausible that your weird light show will be rectified by the 770 battery. Wouldn't surprise me.)
What I was trying to ask was when I discard the contents should it be green, brown, or black lol. From what I've gathered, black signifies combustion and too much heat, and green/brown is a bit vague but to also look at how dried and crumbly it is. The plant should be cooked, without being burned.
Right, but "cooked" is a squishy, personal concept when vaping. Basically, the darkest I can get weed in the FF is a very very dark brown. (Black can be combustion, but also just garden-variety pyrolysis, or charring, that state that occurs before combustion, usually when material is's not uncommon to find charred bits in the FF if you pack tight, don't stir enough, etc. In general a common occurrence in convection vaping depending on how you pack.)
Here's how I know the FF is done with my material: I cannot get any more visible vapor from the load, even when pulsing the button (which makes it hotter), and stirring/re-grinding, and putting on a top more vapor after all those measures means it's done. Usually it's dark dark brown at this point
but not always. Sometimes it seems the FF extracts more thoroughly than other times...depends on moisture in the weed, humidity in the air, how much juice the battery is throwing at that moment...a dozen variables affect the process.
So back to the original point: it's a judgment call. Some folks don't like the higher temp vapor and thus are "done" much earlier than other people. You'll figure out at what point you are ready to move on. Different strokes.
When you say high-temp desktop I assume you are talking about a Volcano or similar vaporizer?
Yes, any AC-powered vape that gets hotter than the 400F that the Firefly theoretically tops out at. You simply cannot extract the entire spectrum of pre-combustion vapor from the FF (and many other portables, btw) doesn't have the power and isn't designed to run at high temps. I usually get another three or four fairly large hits from a "spent" FF bowl in my E-Nano.
And there are a whole slew of great desktop vapes that are simpler and cheaper than bag vapes like the Volcano, but that's a whole other
