Well-Known Member
God I just love my FF so fucking much. I'm still in awe of it. The speed, the flavor, the design - fucking thing was just made for me.
I've gone back to using it as my away-from-home portable and the FF has just been rockin' it. It's getting a bit banged up from where it's had to be, but still looking sharp.
My original FF here is on 15 months and counting (If only we could all say that, eh @mitchgo61 ?) Tough not to be a fanboy when a vape is always pleasing you, you know?
I could go a whole day away with one battery before (one of the good ones), but with the new batts, I'm hitting it before work and after work and still haven't seen the red flashing light. But I'm a serious lightweight.
Just finished cleaning mine up - and damn, it's a sexy beast. Can't seem to take my hands off it.
I have no goddamn idea why the FF doesn't get more love on FC - 15 months after released and it's still way, way ahead of the current portable curve, IMO ...
Far from perfect still, of course. But ... I'm starting to think I'd rather wait for a FF 2 than any other portable coming down the pike. But I think the FF company really needs to give us a peek at what they're hoping to come out with - I need to know it's going to be worth it to wait! Has some serious competition, that's for sure.
Also, I'd like to make it clear (like you didn't already know) that I'm a regular ol' FF customer.
@EveryDayAmnesiac I'm confused by this as well. I just got my FF a few days ago and haven't fully mastered the learning curve, but it seems to me that people on this forum (ie ones who care a lot about vapor quality, don't mind spending more time researching, enjoy using vapes more than the average person) would jump for the FF over any other portable. I know that'll never actually be the case, but I have two friends, for example, who use the Pax don't care nearly as much about vapor quality, extraction and all the other stuff those on this forum seem to care about.