Thank you muchly.
Indeed, the charring occurred on a tightly packed bowl. Will go easier on the packing density.........and the button.
Looks like china just copied this one too....[link removed]
I wonder if anyone ever successfully sues these guys?
Thanks for the tips. With each bowl I am having much more control over my results.However, the nice thing about a dense pack in the FF and other convection vapes is that it makes it easier to pull thick clouds if you wish. You just have to watch the heat, and stir.
Looks like china just copied this one too....[link removed]
I wonder if anyone ever successfully sues these guys?
mod note: Link removed.
So it's confirmed that these aren't the genuine article?
I was thinking they might be moving old stock, maybe a ff2 coming down the pipeline.
Always torn between the dense pack for clouds and looser pack for the even burn.Pyrolysis occurs when there's a shortage or even total void of oxygen. Pack densely and you minimize oxygen in the space and encourage pyrolysis (which charring is the symptom of) and thus you can avoid this by a looser pack. However, the nice thing about a dense pack in the FF and other convection vapes is that it makes it easier to pull thick clouds if you wish. You just have to watch the heat, and stir.
I'll shut up now but if they're sending what's in the pics, that's an amazing "tribute" to the real thing.Per the FF folks, yes, those are counterfeits on that site.
I'll shut up now but if they're sending what's in the pics, that's an amazing "tribute" to the real thing.
I need help here.
Ordered my Firefly from eBay new for $185 with the whole kit and everything. Looks 100% legit and I'm sure it is.
However, I can't get this thing to hit properly. I've tried holding the button different ways and times and no luck. I've gotten about 3 hits out of 20-25 tries where I saw vapor.
My material was ground up in a Spacecasr grinder and gently dropped into the chamber. It isn't tight. I can move my herbs around inside as I move the unit around.
Please help!
"....people should be careful where they buy them. None of the ebay listings, Alibaba or DHGate are real units. We have a great relationship with our manufacturer and our distributor so we know where each real unit goes ....anywhere you're seeing the Firefly for less than 269, they are fakes and are really quite bad...
How sure are you really?Looks 100% legit and I'm sure it is.
Quoted again for emphasis:
How sure are you really?
Well it looks and feels legit. And I'm getting small hits, so... But it could not be too. I've watched unboxing videos and they look the same.
Here's where I purchased it:
Obviously, the point of a counterfeit is to look so close to the original that someone not examining in minute detail might be fooled. While the FF has its technique challenges for even experienced users, and often legit vapes are sold on ebay, the combination of yours not working right and the ebay purchase seems a tad suspicious. Maybe it's hyperbole, but when the CEO of the company says they have such a tight relationship with their manufacturer that they literally know where every new unit ends up, it seems safe to assume any FFs on ebay or any unauthorized seller are probably fakes.
Here's a page with some info on how to spot a fake. This may give you some kind of confirmation one way or the other. I think you can also contact FF with a serial number and see if they can confirm the legitimacy of the unit.
Okay. Thank you.
So after some inspections, I think it is fake. The inside trim looks to have been cut by human with scissors, the box is not in great shape, there's no serial number on it, the space between the top and bottom parts of the box is slim, and it's not hitting.
So yeah. Could you tell me if this site is legit?
That sucks...but I can't say I'm surprised. I don't know if that link is legit...but since FF says anyone selling them below 269 is selling fakes, you can draw your own conclusions. I would assume these are fakes.
Best bet is to buy direct from FF. They will give you outstanding support, and in turn you'll be helping them by buying direct.
Damn Titans that does suck.I hope when you get refunded you dont give up on the firefly because its def a great portable unit in my opinion.These fakes cant be good for an up and coming co.If for nothing else just taking sales away and putting inferior products out in the market.I feel like i have an invested interest in the company and id like to see them prosper and grow.
Springer is right...
Definitely no good came come of it for the company. Not only do they lose profits but the negative feedback from an inferior product is naturally going to play onto the FF product.
I hope I'm wrong here and that something can be done.