I found tiny Stanley screwdrivers at sears. I have both torx one and one that is Phillips/flathead.Well, for some odd reason, despite all the tool boxes and tool kits I have, I don't have any tiny torx bits. And nor do any of the hardware stores around me. Smallest I could find was a six, which was just a bit too big, so I had to resort to ordering a little kit with tiny bits. I'm hoping to get some kind of WPA set up before D020 gets here, not too sure how that's going to turn out
I happened to listen to that Podcast again, with the Firefly's creators and decided to do a little pulsating of the button for the last draws... It really has a lot of power on tap although it gets VERY hot! Very dark brown ABV. No sign of combustion.
Also started using a top screen and I am really happy that it keeps the lid so clean! Always trying to give the Firefly some time over the Lotus. It has a place of it's own in my heart and my day.
IMO, the top screen is unnecessary if your grind is hand torn and chunky (where I've seen the best results!) over fine grind with baskets and screens. If you go with chunky I also notice far less to no debris or portal mess.
This one's for you, @mitchgo61 ... since you seem to enjoy rocks.
And no, I don't mean THESE kinds of rocks:
I find this combo, the pulsing of the button and the use of a top screen, to be an excellent way to aid extraction and raise the temp. My Red unit still seems cooler, just a bit, than my Silver, but if I slap on a top screen towards the end of the session, and really pulse the button, I can extract quite a bit more. I agree, the thing can get VERY hot doing this. I try to place it on a glass tabletop between hits, which drains the heat from the body immediately.
I only really use the top screen to get more heat towards the end, though it's a nice bonus that it makes it neater. (By this point I'm 15-plus hits into it, and no matter how unground I may start out, by the time I add the screen I have a much more powdery load to contend with.)
Hey, thanks for thinking of me, my friend.My life, like this city, was built on rock. (Cool pix, I love the Grey finish against that big rock...)
Yea I'm wondering how it compares to the Herbalizer? Am I missing out or not really?How does the FF compare to the LSV from 7th floor? I understand there are things that are incomparable ie portability or battery life. But what about it terms of vapor quality? Ease of maintenance? Enjoyment of use?
I am fairly new to vaping and have enjoyed my FF immensely. What prompted this question was a post from a member that had just gotten a desktop vape for the first. He had stated something asking the lines of " no portable comes close to matching a decent desktop". It's that true in your experiences? Am I missing out?
Desktop vaporizers enjoy the benefits of AC power and typically provide much, much more performance than a battery operated device like the FF.How does the FF compare to the LSV from 7th floor? I understand there are things that are incomparable ie portability or battery life. But what about it terms of vapor quality? Ease of maintenance? Enjoyment of use?
I am fairly new to vaping and have enjoyed my FF immensely. What prompted this question was a post from a member that had just gotten a desktop vape for the first. He had stated something asking the lines of " no portable comes close to matching a decent desktop". It's that true in your experiences? Am I missing out?
Desktop vaporizers enjoy the benefits of AC power and typically provide much, much more performance than a battery operated device like the FF.
Apples and oranges, really. I suggest the fruit salad.
Damn.... well that makes my decision easier. I feel satisfied with the FF. But how do I resist much much better performance? Desktop ahoy!
Every home should have at least two portables and two desktops. For, like, redundancy. Yeah, that's it. Redundancy.
Damn.... well that makes my decision easier. I feel satisfied with the FF. But how do I resist much much better performance? Desktop ahoy!
just like that, another fool rushes blindly into the incurable condition we all enjoy...VAS.
congrats buddy, you're fucked. you just simply cannot unring a bell. good news is, there are lots of people here to support/enable you as you embark on this new part of your life's journey
IMO, the top screen is unnecessary if your grind is hand torn and chunky (where I've seen the best results!) over fine grind with baskets and screens. If you go with chunky I also notice far less to no debris or portal mess.
Hi all,
I had my FF for about 5 months when it went kaput (no heating). I was one of the ones who thought they had a "cool" one but who overcame through technique.
My replacement is different in a few ways that might be interesting:
Bowl: the glass is cut differently so the "bezel" or edge is half the width (they grind down a "ramp" now that nicely coaxes material into the bowl.)
Bowl: the bottom diameter is larger such that where a Wispr screen does not perfectly fit but has some play and comes out easily (old one fit like a glove especially once "resinated")
Heat: this unit is much hotter but not to combustion, just way, way easier to extract and much darker ABV with less effort. The bowl actually glows more brightly and it is a uniform glow wheras my old one only glowed on the front side.
I could not be happier.