I got some clarity on this myself. First, mark down the date and time that
I was wrong about something!
(Stop laughing, Slow Draw!

) I like Monster's use of the word "now" because six weeks ago I understood this to be an intended feature, since when it was discussed it was described as "sleep mode". But in fact, it's not intended, and it is a bug, even though it's completely consistent.
Apparently after six minutes of inactivity, the FF needs to be awakened by a touch on the buttons; the next touch is the one that activates it. That's it. Totally consistent, and all that's required to work-around it is...touch the buttons a second time. (If you wanted to design a sleep mode, this is how it would work, which is again probably why I misunderstood the lack of intent behind this behavior. Because apparently they didn't want to design a sleep mode.

Sorry if I caused any undue confusion (because when were us vapists ever confused about vape features?

) The good news is as bugs go it's pretty benign, it acts more like a feature than your average bug, and they are fixing it probably within the next six weeks with a firmware update.
(It's possible there was a missed opportunity here: "Firefly 2: Now with Sleep Mode!"
