this "45 hits within a couple hours"....or "45 hits spread out over a day with the battery left in an idle FF for several hours"? Curious because I can get nearly double that in one long session but I'm noticing some batt drainage when left in the FF idle for more than say four hours.
For me it's about 2x the cradle speed....45 minutes vs 90.
@mitchgo61 Good question! I approximated because when I'm using the FF2 for 1 hit, or 2 hits or the full bowl I place it directly on the charger after I'm stoned and ready to put it down. I leave it there until I get a solid blue, and then I remove it and place it next to the charger. If I'm done for a few hours, I will remove the battery completely and leave the unit like that until I use it again later that day or the next day.
I have the 2nd battery still in the box and I will treat it totally opposite from how I have done this one, just to compare/contrast.
So far I cooked the battery 1 time from full to empty, but it was the 2nd time on day 1 of using the FF2 so I chalk that up to user error! I was high as fuck and kept overheating the unit on concentrate setting. I think I had like.....40-50-ish puffs that time. It was funny, I was way to high and having way too much fun
Someone needs to make a star trek phaser OG kirk mod that contains a massive 3500 mah battery!!
@Vakas Even if the FF2 looks for a phone when it's "awake" it will be easy on the battery

The FF2 uses on-board Bluetooth LE or "Low energy" hardware, it was designed for the medical field specifically to conserve power and use less data packets and power than normal bluetooth, while maintaining connectivity. It also operates on different channels than standard bluetooth (2mhz instead of 1mhz). The Technical Details section of the wiki are very interesting I bought a Nexus 6p just because I wanted a phone that had dedicated bluetooth LE hardware so I can just use LE protocols, so my phone just runs LE and the FF2 just runs LE, I have had absolutely zero issues with the FF2 and bluetooth.