Well-Known Member
Then I'm a little surprised you haven't joined the line for a gh...
I run over to vapefiend when I see the announcements. I'm not down with months and months on back-order though.
Then I'm a little surprised you haven't joined the line for a gh...
Probably their material. Not all flower is created equal. I imagine with all the members here, at least 10-15% of members get bunk material.I also don't get the folks who need lengthy pre-heating....I always get thick vapor, right away, once the light goes solid green.
Greetings, Firefly Nation,
Yep, I got my new Firefly 2, and it's a real beauty, let me tell you. But, the learning curve to use this thing is kinda steep. Luckily, I am a real quick learner. First off, I removed the magnetic cover and stuck it in the back of my sock drawer. I understand that some people are not very careful, and they have a tendency to spill the herb from the bowl. Not an issue for me. So I put some herb in the bowl, and lit it with some hemp wick, and began to draw. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. I was sucking hard enough to suck a golf ball through a garden hose, and still no vapor whatsoever. I looked in the bowl, and I see that there are a bunch of itty bitty holes. Some genius couldn't figure out how air flow works, so I took my Firefly out to my shop. I put it on my drill press and drilled a perfect 1/4 inch hole in the bottom of the bowl. I put my herb back in the bowl, try to light it with the hemp wick, and fucking zero vapor. Now I am getting annoyed. The herb won't even stay lit at all. So I got my charcoal lighter fluid and put 6 or 7 drops onto the weed. I light it with the hemp wick again, and the weed burns great, but nothing at all comes out of the mouthpiece. Shit. I am not a quitter, no sir. I found if I place my Firefly in the bottom of a plastic 5 gallon bucket, drip some lighter fluid onto the weed, light it, and cover the bucket with a lid, that after about 30 seconds I can open the lid and take a pretty good size hit. This works for me. The only issue I have now is how to carry the 5 gallon bucket around with me and still be stealthy.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me ? Thanx !
Damn Muffin, that is some dedication to a joke!! Not gonna lie, I had to stop halfway through the paragraph and reread it just to make sure you were kidding! LolsGreetings, Firefly Nation,
Yep, I got my new Firefly 2, and it's a real beauty, let me tell you. But, the learning curve to use this thing is kinda steep. Luckily, I am a real quick learner. First off, I removed the magnetic cover and stuck it in the back of my sock drawer. I understand that some people are not very careful, and they have a tendency to spill the herb from the bowl. Not an issue for me. So I put some herb in the bowl, and lit it with some hemp wick, and began to draw. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. I was sucking hard enough to suck a golf ball through a garden hose, and still no vapor whatsoever. I looked in the bowl, and I see that there are a bunch of itty bitty holes. Some genius couldn't figure out how air flow works, so I took my Firefly out to my shop. I put it on my drill press and drilled a perfect 1/4 inch hole in the bottom of the bowl. I put my herb back in the bowl, try to light it with the hemp wick, and fucking zero vapor. Now I am getting annoyed. The herb won't even stay lit at all. So I got my charcoal lighter fluid and put 6 or 7 drops onto the weed. I light it with the hemp wick again, and the weed burns great, but nothing at all comes out of the mouthpiece. Shit. I am not a quitter, no sir. I found if I place my Firefly in the bottom of a plastic 5 gallon bucket, drip some lighter fluid onto the weed, light it, and cover the bucket with a lid, that after about 30 seconds I can open the lid and take a pretty good size hit. This works for me. The only issue I have now is how to carry the 5 gallon bucket around with me and still be stealthy.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me ? Thanx !
Is there a time limit for the heat buttons to be activated? Several times, I've been holding them down for over 10 seconds taking a long draw, and the green light turns off in mid-draw.
on it.
The plastic walls on the side are kind of creaky. Every time I pick up the device from its sides, it makes a creaking sound.
Not sure if I'm packing the bowl correctly, but I've tried different ways. First I used hand torn bits, then a metal 4-piece grinder, with similar results. The vapor is light and flavorful (even on high heat), but it still gets be blasted. I would like to try to get bigger clouds. I stir every few draws, but the ABV tends to be an uneven mix of brown and green. Maybe I'll post some pics of how I loaded my bowl, and someone could give feedback on it.
It has a 30 second shut-off timer. Unless you're holding it 20 seconds past 10, it shouldn't be shutting off. (Or unless the battery is dead....but it will flash red first.)
I haven't noticed this on any unit so far. You're not squeezing it really hard, are you?
As has been mentioned several times in this thread, thick vapor is easily achievable if you pack the bowl densely. A loose-ish pack will give you thinner vapor....a denser pack will yield much thicker vapor, right from the first hit.
I noticed the clicking/loose sides. This and the feel of the battery cover kind of bummed me out at first but I am used to it. It just felt strange coming from an indestructible AA I was expecting the same feel for a higher priced vape.Thanks for the tips. I'll try packing denser. To be fair, I have seen some conflicting information. Some people have said to pack it loose.
I'm super gentle with it, but the plastic makes a little "click" when grabbed in the center, just below the heat buttons.
I must have activated the 30 second timer. I was pre-heating and taking really long draws to try to increase the vapor production, but that didn't really help. Must be the packing.
I'm using some high quality bud, but it is very dry.
As has been mentioned several times in this thread, thick vapor is easily achievable if you pack the bowl densely. A loose-ish pack will give you thinner vapor....a denser pack will yield much thicker vapor, right from the first hit.
just got a great hit, full pack and tamped it Dow , on high.... Started with a slow draw and gradually increased as I sensed the heat and vapor increase... Like riding a vapor wave.........ha
People were saying to stir by tapping the bowl without opening, but that would seem to require a very loose pack with little material. I have to open it to stir every 2-3 hits. The stuff on top never gets vaped. That sound right?
S&B can be a hassle, but for the most part not too bad. You will be sending the vape in for repair before one year without doubt. The batteries will need to be replaced and they charge $90.00; $40.00 per battery, and $10.00 for labor. And you will have to pay for shipping both ways if only batteries need to be addressed.Hey everyone. I recently posted over in the Air discussion. Recently found a Crafty/Mighty comparison video to the Firefly2.
To those who own the Firefly, or both even, would you say that for a first time buyer, the Firefly is more enticing to me? It's over a $100 cheaper, and I'm in Canada, so even more with taxes/shipping. I've heard a couple complaints when it comes to S&B's Customer service which is a little offputting. I don't want to drop the big money on something that I could be returning in like half a year.
I received my blue fly 2 today. No shipping notice. Just sitting on my porch. It is so stealthily packed
I knew it what it must be. I was in a bit of a hurry so in trying to get the top off I dumped it in the
toilet. I applied some force and it then came off so quickly it squirted out of my hand. I guess that
was better than ending up on the floor. It was a soft cushioned landing.
2. I was then sure it was broke as I could not see any led showing me charging but I could see light
coming out of one of the touch sensors. I had the top on the wrong way so when I shifted it I could
see the led charging light very brightly.
What a start heh. But it sort of matches this week. The computer bit me hard.
The instructions say leave the vape on charger and to charge when not using it. That is not how I understand the
best practice for lithium-ion battery. Oh well on to vapeland. Talk to you soon with my experiences.
This vape release has surprisingly little excitement being generated here imo.
I'm pretty excited, for whatever that's worth.![]()