- Battery door feels flimsy and easily is popped off when positioning lid.
Make sure you seat it correctly. It has very little tolerance, and if you snap it in decisively, it'll stay in quite securely....but it's easy to *not* snap it in correctly. (Unless you have a faulty cover, in which case, ignore me.

- Heat is more of an issue than FF1 due to not having as much heatsink material (not enough to stop use)
Here I think you lost me. Are you saying the unit itself gets hotter than your FF1? Because it definitely should not, and neither FF2 I've used gets anywhere
near as hot as FF1 does. (But maybe I'm misreading you.)
- Overall construction is good quality but doesn't have that "solid" feel of original
I know what you mean, but this is more of a "weight/heft" issue rather than construction quality. It doesn't have that hefty feel of the 1, and that seems to inform a perception about the construction that I don't think is really true. (But again, I know what you mean.)
In the future I hope to have the software upgraded to be able to use button tap sequences to lower/raise temp or maybe even a double tap to activate since it can activate by accident sometimes if your just holding it or have it in your pocket and the two contacts are touched.
As discussed many times now, this isn't going to happen. (I have it directly from the design folks...there are no plans to do this, for a variety of reasons discussed earlier in the thread.) I'm betting this is high on the FF3 list though.
Awesome review!
Do you see a need to ever have to clean the laser drilled holes and will that be something easily done?
Those holes do not clog. 100 days with the prototype and no clogging whatsoever.
Thanks for the review. Any idea where this might come from? Aren't there only inert materials in the air intake and vapor paths?
I haven't noticed this in my new FF2 at all. No burn in, several bowls, nothing but natural weed flavor.
Thanks for your lengthy review Rob. Great to get your perspective. Looking forward to more folks taking the time to be so thoughtful.