@oddjobold I can't be sure and you've probably heard this over and over

before so sorry for that, but to me your situation sounds like it could be a lid not being on quite right or a loose mouthpiece every now and then.
I say this because if your herb isn't getting heated it means that air is not flowing from the heater to your herb. The most common reason for that would be a lid being off or the mouthpiece not being tight which could lead to air not flowing through the heater and finally your herb will not be vaped.
The biggest difference I find with my FF2 is that with all of my other vaporizers, especially my conduction vaporizers, if I take a draw harder, I will get more vapor.
That is absolutely NOT true for the Firefly 2. With the FF2 the air you are drawing is also your heat source which is unlike all of my other vapes. This means that your draw will affect the amount of heat in the heating chamber.
If I draw too slow to the point where air isn't flowing through the heating chamber I'll get no clouds.
If I draw too fast to the point where too much air is flowing and cooling down the heating chamber then I'll get little.
If I draw at the sweet spot I get amazing tasting high quality and high potency with large clouds.
As I take draws I can actually feel the vapor getting thicker as vapor production increases, that let's me know that my draw is at the sweet spot.
I've switched my FF2 to be my dedicated concentrate device so I think concentrates may just be easier and perform better with the FF2 than herb, but with the amount of heat that I'm getting I don't see how any herb could go unvaped in the FF2.
Since the update I have had 0 issues easily getting large clouds with the FF2 every time. I will comment that I can get bigger clouds with a clean concentrate pad than with a dirty one though.
The learning curve thing is one of the most common complaints I see about the FF2 but for me the amount of control I get is a huge advantage.
I can literally think to myself "Do I want a thick hot cloud or a thinner better tasting cloud on this draw" And then I can change my draw and/or heat settings to get whichever kind of hit that I want at any time.
At this point there is no technique or learning curve for me and the FF2, it's just second nature. I just pick it up and absent mindedly take draws and I get great results. For me it's that simple, and I hope everyone who bought an FF2 somehow gets to this point as well because it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.