You can forgive me for not "liking" this post. (We need those FB shades of response, like angry or sad. Seems appropriate here.)
This is very disconcerting. Whatever the issues with your device, at the very least, you should get back both the batteries you paid for. At LEAST.
I would ask you to give them one more shot to fix this problem, but I totally don't blame you for not wanting to. This is why CS is so fucking important, and why FF did such a good job of bonding customers a few years ago....when you feel taken care of, you can put up with a lot of crap. Positive and negative support experiences reverberate, often forever.
I pinged someone there to see if they know what happened in your case, but I totally understand if this is too little too late. Thanks for sharing your story....maybe we'll get a twist ending that makes you happy, but maybe not.
No problem not liking my post
@mitchgo61 to be honest I don't like it either. Wish everything was fine and I could be talking about how much I love the vapor of the FF2. I know that people is gonna think that I'm angry, but to be honest I'm more sad than anything...
The FACT is that I love this vaporizer. I didn't have any issues with the draw or the temps like other users and as much as I have to admit that stirring can be a PITA for some people, it isn't for me, it's like part of the ritual and I like that. But the battery issues were a big no no for me.
The CS RESPONSE is just the worst I have had, with the exception of that "alternate person" who has helped me so much, she's lovely and has been a pleasure to talk with her. The couple of times I had to talk with her I got an email from CS in the same day. So I can't understand how knowing this, the CS hasn't flagged my emails to be more careful with them or something...
And I say RESPONSE because when they answer, usually they do in a satisfactory and really polite way. There is only 2 things that I don't understand: 1 is that they send me a "replacement" (his email said exactly that) and then I found exactly my unit, one of my batteries and my charger. 2 and even a worse one, they send it without letting me know if they did any modification to it or if there was something wrong with my unit. So right now here I am with the paranoia that maybe they just send me the same unit with the same problem
As an example, last week I had an issue with my EVO and had to send it to They send it back and contacted me explaining every detail about what the technician did to my unit and what they found was wrong. I asked them about something I thought was wrong and in an hour I had the response of his technician explaining me why he decided to do it that way. That's what I expect from a CS and that's why I buy often from VF.
So while I wait for an answer I'm flying tomorrow to Spain and will test my unit there (with only one battery geez). Let's see if they changed something or not, if the battery life is improved and doesn't drain alone without use in a day I will be happy. If not I will have to take this seriously. At least I will have my loyal Ti Glassy with me and there's a Milaana on the way too (apart from all the vapes in the "backup" part of my signature). It's gonna be a testing vapes holidays!
Thanks for everything you have done for me
@mitchgo61 !! Hope this guys at Firefly apreciate what you do for them, because what you did for me doesn't have price, I owe you my friend
And just in case, I don't want misunderstandings: I'm not bashing the company or their product. I like the product and had a really nice experience with members of the company, is just the CS response that sucks