Oh, almost forgot, tip i never saw posted here on bags:
For those who DO removed the mouth piece from bags often, instead of the second rubber band i usually use a little twisty-tie or whatever they are called. the kind you just get for free on a loaf of bread or something. quicker on and off, and work fine in place of the "fold the bag back over, or secound" rubber band used in bag placement.
oh, and i also used a nice piece of double sided velcro to keep my remote in place. it runs vertically on the right side of my base. if that makes sense. no camera, but if you hold your remote there it hangs off the side a litttle bit, but i still think its the best spot, or the same thing on the opposite side. far enough away from the heat, and the E usually sits to my right, optimal side for me. interested to know if anyone did the same thing, diffrent spot?