'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
I was brushing-up something I posted in another thread for a glass-blowing combustion-fucker and figured it would be appropriate for the Extreme thread as well (and possibly helpful to extreme owners who are/know glass-blowers)
The following are ideas on how you could alter the performance of your Extreme:
MULTIPLE WHIP ADAPTER-This first one is so simple wink . It is just a glass piece the size of the glass E mouthpiece (the one without the bumps), however, it splits into two (like a T is probably easier to make, but like a Y works better wink ). You would attach this piece to two pieces of tubing that are as long as your E whip and one small piece of tubing to attach the third part of the splitter to your glass elbow. That way you could have two whips from the same vape biggrin (great for separate water tools?no need to put thumb on mouthpiece with water in them cool ). When the splitter is not in use small erasers fit in the mouthpiece of the splitter nicely. If preferred, a rake could even be made for more than two people (as people arrive, remove an eraser from a tube and pass it to them to attach to their piece)
LARGE CYCLONE BOWL-If interested in having a LARGE chamber that hardly needs to be refilled (should fit 6-7x what the Cyclone does brow ), the best design so far seems to be GonG on top and bottom (like the E) with an egg shaped chamber in the middle (the egg looks like it is a real egg, skinny side down, so the herbs fall down the wall/pressure dissipates as the egg widens towards the top/etc. This takes significantly longer to heat up than the Cyclone roll , but basically will go all day or satiate a large group thumb (and used in conjunction with the next piece provides draws that compete with the DeVerdamper in size and speed of delivery yikes ).
THICK TUBING/LESS DRAG (ELBOW)-This next accessory is an elbow that fits ? ID tubing instead of the standard ? ID tubing of the E (larger draw brow ). This works with the cyclone full to the black, but best with the egg full. So, far the best set-up seems to be a round ball instead of the test-tube that is attached to the male GonG in the E?s elbow with a ? OD tube that has a small lip at the end sticking off of the ball)
VAPORIZING OILS (GLASS BEADS)-Post #841 in the Extreme thread talks about using tiny glass beads in the Cyclone chamber for oils (works well for large/thick session?tip if using a lot of oil do not let it sit/keep drawing so it bubbles up through the beads and doesn?t drip uhoh ). Some, instead, fold a tiny piece of oven bag over an ?oil dipstick? (paperclip?) to smear oil inside of the folded piece of the oven bag, which gets dropped into the Cyclone chamber. They then wait for it he radiant heat of the chamber to make the piece of oven bag unfold. Once it does they draw until the oil is gone and the piece of oven bag just flutters around the chamber (works well for small/thin session)
SMALL CYCLONE BOWL (GLASS INSERT)-The last idea works well in conjunction with the beads idea (above this one). If you made a glass piece that looks like a stack of washers (the flat metal discs with the holes in the middle) stuck together to insert into the Cyclone bowl. This allows you to use the beads idea for smaller amounts of oils or to use PD sized amounts of herbs (without beads, of course wink ). This piece works best when the hole in this insert lines up with the hole in the bottom of the cyclone and gets slightly wider towards the top (allow slightly longer warm time wink )
TUBING CLEANING TIP (GLASS BEAD)-Oh yeah, if you use one of the softer, whitish tubings with better temperature ratings (silicone, Tygon, etc.) you can push a marble of glass slightly larger than the tubing through the pre-warmed tubing. It will fall out of the other end (into the Cyclone on a bed of herbs/beads?) with all of the oily residue that had collected in the tube in front of it (leaving the tube fairly clean wink ).
Hope this helps inspire you to make/get yourself some new pieces or inspire the development of even better ideas.
Maybe, if they become popular enough, Arizer will start to produce such accessories
Sorry this post ended up being so long (let me know if you have any questions)
As always, this is just my
. Hope it helps
The following are ideas on how you could alter the performance of your Extreme:
MULTIPLE WHIP ADAPTER-This first one is so simple wink . It is just a glass piece the size of the glass E mouthpiece (the one without the bumps), however, it splits into two (like a T is probably easier to make, but like a Y works better wink ). You would attach this piece to two pieces of tubing that are as long as your E whip and one small piece of tubing to attach the third part of the splitter to your glass elbow. That way you could have two whips from the same vape biggrin (great for separate water tools?no need to put thumb on mouthpiece with water in them cool ). When the splitter is not in use small erasers fit in the mouthpiece of the splitter nicely. If preferred, a rake could even be made for more than two people (as people arrive, remove an eraser from a tube and pass it to them to attach to their piece)
LARGE CYCLONE BOWL-If interested in having a LARGE chamber that hardly needs to be refilled (should fit 6-7x what the Cyclone does brow ), the best design so far seems to be GonG on top and bottom (like the E) with an egg shaped chamber in the middle (the egg looks like it is a real egg, skinny side down, so the herbs fall down the wall/pressure dissipates as the egg widens towards the top/etc. This takes significantly longer to heat up than the Cyclone roll , but basically will go all day or satiate a large group thumb (and used in conjunction with the next piece provides draws that compete with the DeVerdamper in size and speed of delivery yikes ).
THICK TUBING/LESS DRAG (ELBOW)-This next accessory is an elbow that fits ? ID tubing instead of the standard ? ID tubing of the E (larger draw brow ). This works with the cyclone full to the black, but best with the egg full. So, far the best set-up seems to be a round ball instead of the test-tube that is attached to the male GonG in the E?s elbow with a ? OD tube that has a small lip at the end sticking off of the ball)
VAPORIZING OILS (GLASS BEADS)-Post #841 in the Extreme thread talks about using tiny glass beads in the Cyclone chamber for oils (works well for large/thick session?tip if using a lot of oil do not let it sit/keep drawing so it bubbles up through the beads and doesn?t drip uhoh ). Some, instead, fold a tiny piece of oven bag over an ?oil dipstick? (paperclip?) to smear oil inside of the folded piece of the oven bag, which gets dropped into the Cyclone chamber. They then wait for it he radiant heat of the chamber to make the piece of oven bag unfold. Once it does they draw until the oil is gone and the piece of oven bag just flutters around the chamber (works well for small/thin session)
SMALL CYCLONE BOWL (GLASS INSERT)-The last idea works well in conjunction with the beads idea (above this one). If you made a glass piece that looks like a stack of washers (the flat metal discs with the holes in the middle) stuck together to insert into the Cyclone bowl. This allows you to use the beads idea for smaller amounts of oils or to use PD sized amounts of herbs (without beads, of course wink ). This piece works best when the hole in this insert lines up with the hole in the bottom of the cyclone and gets slightly wider towards the top (allow slightly longer warm time wink )
TUBING CLEANING TIP (GLASS BEAD)-Oh yeah, if you use one of the softer, whitish tubings with better temperature ratings (silicone, Tygon, etc.) you can push a marble of glass slightly larger than the tubing through the pre-warmed tubing. It will fall out of the other end (into the Cyclone on a bed of herbs/beads?) with all of the oily residue that had collected in the tube in front of it (leaving the tube fairly clean wink ).
Hope this helps inspire you to make/get yourself some new pieces or inspire the development of even better ideas.
Maybe, if they become popular enough, Arizer will start to produce such accessories

Sorry this post ended up being so long (let me know if you have any questions)
That is quite an assumption to make two days after sending an e-mail (IMO). The E is fairly mass-produced (a double-edged sword IMO--available/inexpensive, but mass-produced/cheap too). It should be easy (IME) to get a wholesale order and also understandable that Arizer (Steve & Debbie) may be busy/have priorities (current customers, larger distributors, etc.). Some others have given you some great other places to contact (Max - "Ask the sellers for a deal. Arizer, vapenow, rockwise. See who's willing to give you the best volume pricing.")...SHOP AROUND ! ! !.BS - so it turns out arizer wont sell you extreme's at wholesale unless you have a business....well that's what i think since I've been waiting two days for there reply....

As always, this is just my