Thanks for all your replies.
I have bought a flowermate, and it's poo. If this is what the world of portables has to offer, I'm out. Now I know I can't judge them all by this, but it jus got me thinking, is any portable gonna satisfy me...
Whenever I go out, I will have my car, so why not just have an eq in my car. I won't need lots of parts, just the 18mm ddave kit.
I can't believe the lack of love for the FM in this thread

(well I can being an Arizer thread but still

)! I cannot speak highly enough about it in my experience with Flowermate. It actually got me back into vaping & reintroduced me with to the EQ

. I get the feeling this is gonna be a long potentially rambly post as I have just smashed .15 through the freshly rebuilt EQ at 230 so buckle up.
I think an awful lot of it has to do with the price point we all pay relative to other vaporizers. For me in Australia it works out as follows for local pricing in AU$
FM v5.0s is $120
FM V5.0 Pro is $155
EQ is $250
Solo is $260
Air is $285
When I decided to "try" a new vape as the EQ never compared to ripping monster bowls of spun weed but the portable was different. As I did not want to spend heaps on an experiment I decided on the FM Pro as it has a digital display I was already familiar with & was a good middle ground for my pocket

. I got very high & within a couple of days the EQ was being tinkered with

After "committing" to vaping by not combusting cannabis for a month or so I decided to treat myself to a new vape & came down to the Air/Solo or the S&B pair as I could not justify $1000 for a MiniVap (well I could but is it twice as good?????). Arizers quality & my EQ experience, user replaceable batteries & all glass airpath made it an easy decision to save $200. My Air has been faultless & is my daily driver.
This was purchased only because I wanted something "better" than my "cheapie". Having a look at PIU's current pricing you would be off your fucking rocker to pay $160 for the FM Pro when you can get a Solo for $160. OFF YOUR FUCKING HEAD AND NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT

. I have since given my Pro to a friend & she is using it occasionally but I live in hope of her eventual conversion

Getting this fucker back on topic I am feeling very stoned now thanks to my weekend warrior being brought out of hiding. I am thinking rather than my EQ being a greedy bastard it is I the consumer who is the greedy one. Normally I would just vape a couple of elbow packs without thinking about it as that is "just what is done". Instead today I vaped a single elbow, got segued by this post deriding the "little engine that could" before I could pack another & then ramble some inner mind sanctum shit.
Now I am decided it will pay dividends to vape another hi temp elbow & have a cruise round FC as I could do more productive things this afternoon but eh it's Sunday & I swear that EQ heater light just winked atme

PS: sorry but vaping an elbow takes priority over proof reading this post
