12hrs since my last post here. Looked outside.

Time to dance around the package!
Bananas !!

Just got my DDAVE MOD kit. WOOOOT! First impression time. Still a lot to take in.
Package looked larger in Australia? The box I received was smaller than I was picturing, which is a positive. Look here-->
Dave Mod, New DDave Mini Mod & Kit for Arizer EQ/VTower Vapes
Screens - Did a side by side comparison. I want to say the hat shape is a little different than the stock EQ elbow screen and more fashioned for any generic 18mm and the 14mm wand mod. The wire mesh might be thinner also? (Sorry, All my EQ elbow screens are beat.) The 18mm 'tip basket' does not stay in the stock EQ elbow at all. So that confirms them being custom.
But... But, the screens fit on top of the wands that come with the kit as well.

I can also place one inside the other (like a cap say for the VLX ELB) in both screen sizes. So no need for a crumb catcher.
Glass - My biggest concern that I've been mentioning on the threads is the air opening of the EQ on the top. I did check each bowl for clearance ahead of time. The 14mm short DDave bowl has the tightest clearance of the 4. But presumably requires the least heat for the least amount of time. This is more for mini sessions from what
@DDave has mentioned. Other 3 bowls - all clear. The center rings in all 4 bowls might be easier to fit flat screens better if you try my 2 screen method. But with a little coaxing of the flat screens that come with the kit and a little curl at the edge slightly and you should be able to fashion then snugly. But snug in a good way.
Have been able to produce gas vapor at 185 C for both wands with the short bowls. Just put a center screen in the 14mm tall to try out later. Chimney effect is not as dramatic as say my setup. But might be a better once I hone my skills. Only had the thing for an hour! In that amount of time I'm already seeing the possibility's this kit had opened up.
I still like my own 4pc d-wand setup and have been passing what seems to work for me along to
@DDave and here at FC. Just providing some Cuckfumbustion research to the mix.
His wands appear to be the thickness I'm going for. The 18mm has a lot of inside volume for the dimension/size. Still haven't come up with a hose config yet. Did I mention earlier that you can put a screen on both sides of the wand?
This kit is great for 1st timers and comes with Instructions for the entirely uninitiated. Even though I already used the ddave mod in my EQ-uation before, I bought this because of it's interchangeability and flexibility with my generic glass parts. It will be integrated with my other pieces once I get to know them individually first.
FCers Plz Check out the forum
Dave Mod, New DDave Mini Mod & Kit for Arizer EQ/VTower Vapes. I also went on a tangent/sidetrack about here
#30 about extraction if you are at all curious. But was able to steer the conversation back towards the DDave mod kit. Just wanted to include everyone in all the EQ discussions.