Well-Known Member
I've had mine for quite a while and still learn new things by popping in from time to time!Hey everyone, I started out my FC researching this beautiful, fairly attainable and versatile robot!
Anyway, just wanted to say I peeked in here after ages of not peeking and see all this activity and such.. Nugs of know are amongst my favorite so I will be greedily catching up on this stuff and perhaps be with you presently. Always a place in my Vape shaped heart for Missy Q!
DDave has popularized the use of F-F adapters in place of the cyclone bowl when doing elbow packs (and better yet, standardizing the requirements to be successful)
Great results reported when combining this with the ground glass SSV wand in place of the restrictive elbow/whip adapter.. I've had success with an alternative whip adapter, but the SSV wand is readily available and consistent.
Replacing the elbow with a 18mm M-14mm M adapter instead allows one to put a PNWT or F-Bomb on the Q like a hydratube. Nice, tasty pulls, but it does restrict the pull options a bit - while looking killer!
I believe we're just now getting this thing tuned to take it to where we want to be... In order to dream up more insane things to do!
Stay thirsty for ideas, friend