The Extreme-Q Vaporizer


Apostle, Church of Vaporization


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the idea. I'd seen others post with there modified bowls but couldn't find something as easily accessible like the SSV wand. Last night while searching for the vaporfection aqua vape I found the vaporfection glass herbal container that looks like it would work too, but its $10 more than the SSV wand.

BTW, did you have to adjust your temperature when moving from just the cyclone bowl? With my bubbler I wasn't getting much vapor at my normal cyclone bowl temp (180), not until I reached 200 would I get clouds. But since moving back to just whip I'm back down to below 200 with the SSV wand.

It's the cyclone bowl that's the issue. I was using the stock setup and worked great for me, until I got a tube. Then I had to do the same thing as you. Turn it up over 200. After modding the cyclone, I get clouds at 190 through the tube. With an elbow pack. I'm not in a hurry to purchase anything as it works great with the modded bowl...but modding bowls isn't a great solution. Not everyone has the tools or time. What I've been looking for is a whip with a female joint, that will replace the elbow and cyclone bowl. I think that will work best, as the issue is how the cyclone restricts the air you a small jet stream in the middle of the herb, instead of heating the entire load.


I think that will work best, as the issue is how the cyclone restricts the air you a small jet stream in the middle of the herb, instead of heating the entire load.

Isn't that how the SSV works? A small opening from the heater cover to the wand piece.

And you might wanna check your other EQ bowl, as each bowl can have a different size opening through the middle.

I wonder if anyone has found/tried an 18mm female to 18mm female glass on glass adapter to try and replace the cyclone bowl?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea. Only vape I've dealt with is my Extreme and a VG. Doesn't the SSV also require constant stirring, though, also?

Yea...they all are a little different, but they all restrict a lot of airflow. I'll post pics of my modded bowl when i decide where to host them. The hole is the same size as the hole in the 18mm joints on the heater cover and elbow.

I was looking for an adapter like that first, but had no luck finding a place to order and the cheap shop by me doesn't have much stuff like that. Next time I'm downtown I'll see if the good shop has any.


Hi all ,I have tried another way to optimize the EQ glass and it is very simple and effective,you can add thermal insulation with natural fibers around the upside part of the cyclone bowl.
and even better If you substitute the elbow with a normal lab 19 mm to tube glass joint,this is to reducing a little the distance from the heating and righting the airflow.
Charching my lab piece I can obtain nice tasty cloud,with a bong or bubbler the taste is even better no cough and ABV is golden not brown and don't smells nothing.


Apprentice Daydreamer
One new, suprisingly easy, but powerful mod for the EQ I just discovered:

You need:
1) 1-4 clean titanium screens for cyclone bowl.
2) That's all, this point is just making it look bigger :D

You do:
1) Bend all screens to half circle so they fit into heater.
2) Put one half-way into EQ. It will go in hardly as the bigger screen there resists.
3) Get it out, it will come off with the big screen or it pulls it off enough so you can remove it (if not, repeat 2) Now you have the big screen out and 1-4 bent screens. Without even disassembling the EQ (and I did it twice its easy, even once while heated!)
4) Put there your bent 1-4 screens. Make them touch the ceramic the best you can and that they dont go too much deep (where wires are). Remember that they will go further down when you put the big heater screen back.
5) Put the screen back. Some small metal stuff like scissors can help a lot.
6) Turn the EQ on on max, turn fan to F1 and wait till anything from these screens evaporate.
Now your EQ hits like a champ.
Metal is very good heat conductor and screens stuffed there can transfer a lot of heat when needed like insulant ceramic could never do. Also they distribute theit heat evenly and imo help further stabilize the overall heat in there.
I don't have yet much experience with this, but it looks like it is boosted everytime, but more slow you draw, the more work screens can do. Overall performance, heat retention, uniform heat got boosted. Oh and the temp is higher. 195°C and i get vigorous browning each hit.


ooohh man
One new, suprisingly easy, but powerful mod for the EQ I just discovered:

You need:
1) 1-4 clean titanium screens for cyclone bowl.
2) That's all, this point is just making it look bigger :D

You do:
1) Bend all screens to half circle so they fit into heater.
2) Put one half-way into EQ. It will go in hardly as the bigger screen there resists.
3) Get it out, it will come off with the big screen or it pulls it off enough so you can remove it (if not, repeat 2) Now you have the big screen out and 1-4 bent screens. Without even disassembling the EQ (and I did it twice its easy, even once while heated!)
4) Put there your bent 1-4 screens. Make them touch the ceramic the best you can and that they dont go too much deep (where wires are). Remember that they will go further down when you put the big heater screen back.
5) Put the screen back. Some small metal stuff like scissors can help a lot.
6) Turn the EQ on on max, turn fan to F1 and wait till anything from these screens evaporate.
Now your EQ hits like a champ.
Metal is very good heat conductor and screens stuffed there can transfer a lot of heat when needed like insulant ceramic could never do. Also they distribute theit heat evenly and imo help further stabilize the overall heat in there.
I don't have yet much experience with this, but it looks like it is boosted everytime, but more slow you draw, the more work screens can do. Overall performance, heat retention, uniform heat got boosted. Oh and the temp is higher. 195°C and i get vigorous browning each hit.
i can't fully understand your mod how do you fit into the heater ? near my heater there is no space .....make a photo of this mod please
I think my insulant material mod compensate the distance between the elbow screen and it uniforms the temp (i use 185°c)in the airflow.... instead putting the elbow screen nearest the heating ceramic means to expose it to the heat peak of the ceramic element. don't you risk to obtain much more half-combust products in your vapor?
try my mod taste the vapor and say me your opinion.


Apprentice Daydreamer
The goal is to get some screens under the screen that is protecting the ceramic heater. So they are bend around it, get heat and distribute that heat around heater and to air.


Well-Known Member
From Tweak
"BTW, did you have to adjust your temperature when moving from just the cyclone bowl?"

Yes I did have to raise the temp, I was getting decent vapes at 190 - 200 anything lower than 190 was like watching the grass grow.

Lately I've been using the SSV wand to blow bags. I use about two inches of SSV tubing, one inch in the wand, one inch sticking out of the wand. Then I insert the EQ glass bag tube into the wand tube and I use the black rubber bands from the 'Q on the SSV tubing to make a secure fit around the glass tube.
This works for me, and because I use the fan to inflate bags, my temperature is at 185 and as two or three bags go by I do raise the temp accordingly.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
For anyone following this thread who also owns (or plans or is interested in) a Cloud, thought it might interest you how I rigged my Cloud HydraTube to work with my Q. I guess you could call this a "poor man's Cloud". :D

I've had wondered how the Q would work directly connected to a zero-drag glass piece vs using the whip, and also how that would compare apples-to-apples with the Cloud. I've seen the Q used upside down with an adapter but that's awkward. Here's a pic of the marriage plus a close-up of the bowl setup and connection. A straight 18x18mm male/male adapter fits into the top of the Cyclone and the female bottom of the HT.

The stock Arizer elbow screen fit nicely into the adapter joint, so I elbow-packed. Good thing too, because with herb at the bottom of the Cyclone with a second screen on top of the load, didn't work well - too much free airflow (using an empty elbow-screen like a stock Q setup improved that a little, but herb got stuck up around the joint and it was kinda messy). The elbow-pack worked reasonably well though: I ordinarily don't like the elbow-pack with the whip because of the heavy drag. With this set-up the drag of the whip is eliminated and the path is the diameter of the elbow-screen (.45") rather than being reduced to .2" like with the Arizer glass elbow which makes for a bigger hit. The HT pulls and diffuses beautifully, so from a hitting perspective I like this much better than my default Q setup (whip + inline bubbler).

An unexpected difference was with the hot spot we get in the elbow-pack. I'd always presumed that the small diameter of the spot was due to the narrow hot air flow up thru the Q's heater. And so putting the elbow closer (~5") to the heater this way would if anything make the spot even tighter. Not so. There was no hot spot, although I could tell that a small band of the herb just around the perimeter of the screen was not getting quite as much heat. So still needed one quick stir. With the elbow closer I also could reduce the heat setting a bit, with 170C seeming to be closest to the Cloud's 10 o'clock.

Bottom line, pulling thru a Q elbow-pack is still probably about 2x the drag pulling thru an equal size load in the Cloud mostly because the Cloud's airflow is so effortless. And the Q just doesn't have the performance or efficiency of the Cloud. I really like the Q, but IMHO the Cloud is just a different class machine. Of course, it's also 2x the price, too. I'm very happy I have both! The Cloud is my daily driver; it shines in every way. At the same time, I can use the Q alongside also with an HT, I'll still use the Q with the bag for group sessions, and now with the HT it's an even better back-up.

For anyone shopping a vape, I still enthusiastically recommend the Cloud as first choice. But if the price will always be too much for the budget, or the balloon capability is a must have, the Q mated with a VapeXhale HydraTube (when it becomes available for sale separately) makes for a nice alternative.



Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
Wow 170!! My Q doesn't even produce vapout until about 185. Anyways....I did this too but didnt write any sort of review on it bc it worked so poorly for me and it was much more awkward than i anticipated. I just tried loading the cyclone though which I never do. Hmmm maybe ill give it another shot, I noticed the male to male adaptor hangs lower in the cyclone than the elbow does. Thanks for the review obg!


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Wow 170!! My Q doesn't even produce vapout until about 185. Anyways....I did this too but didnt write any sort of review on it bc it worked so poorly for me and it was much more awkward than i anticipated. I just tried loading the cyclone though which I never do. Hmmm maybe ill give it another shot, I noticed the male to male adaptor hangs lower in the cyclone than the elbow does. Thanks for the review obg!

Yea, that ALT adapter is a bit on the long side. If it was shaped exactly like the Cloud/Q joints I could have used the Q stock setup with herb in the Cyclone and an empty elbow screen. I did jury-rig that setup but the air ratio is still more than I like, requiring more pull.

I actually started with the Q at 180 figuring I might need to crank it up even a bit more. It was hard getting the Cloud and Q equivalent because the Cloud is so damn smooth and easy. That's what led me to the 170 but as always with these things YMMV and probably will.

You have much more experience with all this than I do. I'd be very interested in what you find.


Thanks for the experiment OBG... I concur with your findings. Elbow packs are extremely draggy by definition and the VXC is deigned to be virtually drag-less.

OTOH you could use the Cloud dry, sans the HT, with either a whip or glass mouthpiece, EQV style.


Well-Known Member
Thanks is for the cloud on q comparison. I get a lot of drag in my q with an elbow pack and bubbler, but it's the best I have at the moment until my cloud pre order comes through. I'm not to fond of the cyclone bowl, so I use the elbow pack.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
Pappy Thats Sad damn:/

This is it. Performance boost. More vapor. 15°C lower temp needed. Less (bigger) hits per load.
ABV (totally toasted 195 few hits):

Seek Nice work,with your e mod,It looks like it could work .EQ Turbo:nod: Am I right, you have added a heat exchanger to the mass of the ceramic heater ,which can then transfer heat more effectively into the airpath.can I have a little more detail on vapor production,performance and drag pls.

obg very nice review:science:

oh yes and dont forget Planetvape will be releasing their own hydratube i think in June, which will be under $100.Its called the Fbomb.Watch out here in this thread for updates about its release
u bwade wunner,


Apprentice Daydreamer
I'm happy with the mod. It doesn't make the performance lower at any draw speed. Only 3 screens I have there don't have any effect on airflow speed. They act as a heat echanger with great surface area.
The quoted part of me describes the change the best imo. It makes more vapor and turns more green to abv with 15°C less temperature. Oh and evenly, it didn't scorch the load the tiniest bit. Every hit produces just huge spot of nice brown.
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