The Extreme-Q Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Hey like a lot of Extreme users I've learnt the "airflow problem" of this vape and I've adjusted it, raising the screen works amazing. Love it though! I have the non-fan straight whip version the oldschool V3 V Tower. Got a few questions!

I notice my elbow drops down further on the cyclone bowl for a snug fit than the picture examples (prob around 5mm more than usual) so the elbow screen is a bit lower. From reading other FC threads I know there's a discrepancy in cyclone bowl hole size but didn't know there was a diff in elbow size. Does anyone else experience this or is this normal?

The elbow raises itself slightly (but still good fit) during turning motion from using the whip. Does this affect airflow and should I push it down all the way? I've looked at it for vapor leaks and doesn't seem to be any.

My heating element is slightly loose, it moves a little bit if I put my finger on it and nudge it around. I've read its fragile, but its still very sturdy, it's not broken off or anything. The vape works well, is there a normal looseless to the heater and if there's something wrong with it does this affects airflow?

I'm not sure if my unit is semi-broken or if this is the way V Tower is. My screens clog after every elbow pack and I build up resin in the elbow pretty fast. I run from 185C - 230C

mod note: We have vape specific threads for most every model available. Please use them. Threads merged. Posting the same question in two different threads is 'cross posting' and also against the rules.


Well-Known Member
Hmm I guess mine is loose, do you think that will affect airflow? It doesn't seem to block any of the air holes.

Thankyou for the suggestion I just made a separate page because it seemed more straight forward haha


Well-Known Member
As for using your EQ with a bong, you have a couple options. Ultimately, IMO you will get the best experience if you upgrade to a new bong. It doesn't have to be pricey (but it can be :brow: ) it should just be a glass on glass piece, with a 18mm female gong connection, that you can put the elbow from the EQ into. Then you can vape using GONG connections, with just a section of whip in between the elbows, short or long depending on your setup.

Thanks for the advice - most helpful . I ended up ordering one of these - , and a couple of spare elbows. I'm waiting on them arriving before I attempt to remove the tubing though, because if i inadvertently break the elbow (no spares) I think here may be tears ;)

IMO the Arizer stock pvc, while a very strong grade material, is a royal PITA to work with as @Purpl3_Haz3 points out. I use this, same dimensions, much better:

Funny you should mention that, as i ordered that exact tubing a couple of weeks ago and am waiting on delivery ! One thing i did order recently that arrived today is a usb microscope with (supposedly) 400x magnification. I took the following photos of pre and post-vaped herb :

Does that look like im getting most of the thc, or should i be vpaing it longer ? I'm vaping at 170 - 190C (340 - 375F), any higher temps than that tend to give me a sore throat the next day.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Thanks for the advice - most helpful . I ended up ordering one of these - , and a couple of spare elbows. I'm waiting on them arriving before I attempt to remove the tubing though, because if i inadvertently break the elbow (no spares) I think here may be tears ;)

Funny you should mention that, as i ordered that exact tubing a couple of weeks ago and am waiting on delivery ! One thing i did order recently that arrived today is a usb microscope with (supposedly) 400x magnification. I took the following photos of pre and post-vaped herb :

Does that look like im getting most of the thc, or should i be vpaing it longer ? I'm vaping at 170 - 190C (340 - 375F), any higher temps than that tend to give me a sore throat the next day.

That doesn't look anywhere near done to me. It should be uniformly brown. Mine tends to be around the colour of tobacco.
As does mine. I usually pull a bang or two from the Da buddha then pack it in the Q for a bag or two. I have found my da buddha is a tad more efficient.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice - most helpful . I ended up ordering one of these - , and a couple of spare elbows. I'm waiting on them arriving before I attempt to remove the tubing though, because if i inadvertently break the elbow (no spares) I think here may be tears ;)

Funny you should mention that, as i ordered that exact tubing a couple of weeks ago and am waiting on delivery ! One thing i did order recently that arrived today is a usb microscope with (supposedly) 400x magnification. I took the following photos of pre and post-vaped herb :

Does that look like im getting most of the thc, or should i be vpaing it longer ? I'm vaping at 170 - 190C (340 - 375F), any higher temps than that tend to give me a sore throat the next day.

Sounds like you could use a bubbler to bring some moisture to your throat. Some are more sensitive then others when it comes to vaped. I like using a bubbler with mine and I usually vape around 200-210. I can get 10-12 good hits before I get the tobacco color. I tri my bowl roughly every three hits. I did learn my lesson about taking 8-12 hits in one session though lol.


Well-Known Member
When cleaning the whip elbow, what method do you use to remove the tubing ? My tubing seems to be really securely 'stuck' on, and im worried about breaking the elbow in trying to pull the tubing off.
Yep, if you're not careful you can actually break the glass. There is a technique I use that I learned after years of using the Extreme vape daily: simply run hot water over the hose where it connects to the glass. This loosens up the resin, then just simply twist and pull the hose off.


Well-Known Member
Hey vaporists, don't want to double post I think my thread got merged into this one (I can't seem to find my earlier post), would be cool if anyone could locate or answer some of my Qs about the EQ haha


Banned for life
Yep, if you're not careful you can actually break the glass. There is a technique I use that I learned after years of using the Extreme vape daily: simply run hot water over the hose where it connects to the glass. This loosens up the resin, then just simply twist and pull the hose off.


I've used the same technique for 6 years.


Wych Doctor
Hey like a lot of Extreme users I've learnt the "airflow problem" of this vape and I've adjusted it, raising the screen works amazing. Love it though! I have the non-fan straight whip version the oldschool V3 V Tower. Got a few questions!

I notice my elbow drops down further on the cyclone bowl for a snug fit than the picture examples (prob around 5mm more than usual) so the elbow screen is a bit lower. From reading other FC threads I know there's a discrepancy in cyclone bowl hole size but didn't know there was a diff in elbow size. Does anyone else experience this or is this normal?

I think there will always be slight variations when dealing with glass. I don't think the elbow dropping into the cyclone a few extra mm will have much of an effect on the performance. If it bothers you you can try a mod with some silicone on the GonG part of the elbow to raise it up a bit.

The elbow raises itself slightly (but still good fit) during turning motion from using the whip. Does this affect airflow and should I push it down all the way? I've looked at it for vapor leaks and doesn't seem to be any.

This happens to me too. It's always best to have a flush joint. Although you might not see vapor escaping what you can't see is the added air in your inhale which will give you a thinner hit.

My heating element is slightly loose, it moves a little bit if I put my finger on it and nudge it around. I've read its fragile, but its still very sturdy, it's not broken off or anything. The vape works well, is there a normal looseless to the heater and if there's something wrong with it does this affects airflow?

Mine doesn't feel loose or move around - but if it's working well my mum would say "if it aint broke don't fix it!"

I'm not sure if my unit is semi-broken or if this is the way V Tower is. My screens clog after every elbow pack and I build up resin in the elbow pretty fast. I run from 185C - 230C

That seems a bit excessive to clog every time, but I guess your using some nice high grade that is very sticky. I have about 6 screens and elbow screens in rotation for my EQ. AFter a couple of days use I just dump the used screens in ISO and swap em out.


Standing stone faced like a statue.
I have owned the extreme q for a little over a year and my only complaint is the rubber bands for the bag can be tricky when replacing the bag, otherwise it is great and I recommend it to anyone looking to purchase a vape with the bag system.

I purchased from the direct site which came with free express shipping, I got it in 3 days!


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I have owned the extreme q for a little over a year and my only complaint is the rubber bands for the bag can be tricky when replacing the bag, otherwise it is great and I recommend it to anyone looking to purchase a vape with the bag system.

I gave up on that second o-ring - just too much of a PITA. Maybe it's that the Reynolds bags I use bunch up thicker around the glass joint. Or the arthritis in my fingers. :) At any rate, I just use a twist-tie and that works well.


Banned for life
I've never had a problem. Just put a ring over the bag first, then slide that over the glass, flip the end of the bag back, and slide the other ring over. pow! The art of it is not having too much excess bag lol


Well-Known Member
I've had my Extreme Q for well over a year now and have had almost no issues.
I had to replace the glass heater cover recently but that's all.

I was using it to smoke vapor bong yesterday, wasn't paying attention and tilted the bong towards my E-Q and I poured water right down the tube and into my heating element.
I freaked out, unplugged it and took it all apart to see what I could do.
Not very much water made it in but I could hear a sizzle. I did also let the unit dry out over night while taken apart.

Besides some minor discoloration on the ceramic heating element the unit works perfect.
Has anyone else had this happen, anything I should be looking out for?


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Besides some minor discoloration on the ceramic heating element the unit works perfect.
Has anyone else had this happen, anything I should be looking out for?

If you had fried something or shorted out the board, the unit would not work perfectly or otherwise. Looks like you dodged the bullet.


Well-Known Member
If you had fried something or shorted out the board, the unit would not work perfectly or otherwise. Looks like you dodged the bullet.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
Nothing happened to any of the pcb boards, but on the very bottom plastic cover where the clear section fits on to the black portion and houses the screws is slightly melted.

When I replaced the heater cover in February everything was fine. I'm really confused why that would be the only place any damage occurred.
I'll take a picture, Just cant find my camera cord.
I am in the market for a desktop vaporizer and am strongly considering the EQ.
Using the elbow pack method does the vapor quality compare favorably to the SSV or DBV?
I don't want to get a jack of all trades but inferior quality vape.



Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Here is the burn mark

That's difficult, I wouldn't want to speculate. I guess the obvious is that it looks as if the water found its way down to the bottom where it met something hot. I presume you've tested the fan? If everything is working, I think all you can do for now is to keep your fingers crossed (mentally) while enjoying your Q.


Banned for life
I personally never cared for the elbow pack. And I would say that the EQ is a jack of all trades vapes and master of none. I'd go for the SSV/DBV. Simpler design, fuller extraction.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I am in the market for a desktop vaporizer and am strongly considering the EQ.
Using the elbow pack method does the vapor quality compare favorably to the SSV or DBV?
I don't want to get a jack of all trades but inferior quality vape.


I think the general consensus is that with the elbow pack you can get equal to, or at least very close to, a SSV/DBV hit. There is a thread or two here that specifically discuss the Q vs the DBV. You should be able to find it with Search.


Well-Known Member
Elbow pack does not make any sense to me, it restricts airflow too much and moves the herb away from the heat.

The best method to use the Extreme is to turn the heat way up and control everything with your breath. While inhaling through the vape, every once in a while breathe in short strong bursts of vapor and then interrupt your breath using your tongue on the roof of your mouth. You can literally stir the bowl with your breath with this technique, even the bits that build up around the edge of the cyclone bowl. This allows you to expose more herb to the hot air and get ridiculously good hits. It ensures that the herb is evenly browned. Also, with your breath you control the temperature. If you inhale fast, it cools down the bowl and you get less vapor. If you inhale slowly and stir with your breath, that will give you milky vapor and vape the bowl evenly as you go.
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