I've been getting 'Vapebags' from puffitup.com 3 times already after looking around 3 different times for best deal on the internet. Best price, fast delivery and friend/member of the FC community.
With my setup,. I can use bags as a finisher to get the last bit of vapor out of an elbow pack without straining myself.
'Vapebags' -
the brand are better then stock in several ways for me. Narrower neck, thick crease around the edge and less wrinkle forming material. The crease helps the bag fill nicer even laying on it's side.
Read of this method several times. Been rec'd to me by one user. I'd like to see any pics of this method/mod.
Still haven't taken the plunge eh? Do you have any sort of bag attachment ready? Are you willing to try it once or get some vapebags like I've mentioned. You have the
@DDave kit. Just need to figure how you want your setup. I missed out on the newer glass attachment from Arizer and made my own. (the gooseneck mentioned in my sig. Love it.)
The best bag fill is when you get the essence of the materials you wish to vape is in a single bag (or 3) YMMV.

Does anybody do single hit extraction in a single bag?
@ataxian , if you have all the parts for bags, just ask FC and me

for the rest. Worst case you can have them around when you can't handle whips that afternoon. It is an alternative to whips and water and is nice to pass to someone inexperienced instead of your favorite hydro piece. Bags save glass in group sessions. so some wise FCers have mentioned often in the thread.
Think of a bag a a 'lungful' of vapor. Extracting the full flavor of the materials and mixing in a bag before ingesting.
I forgot the exact temp that your materials will catch fire and combust at. Perhaps 232c? I've have danced to the edge and see single fleck turn red and the rest kick out grey smoke then bwoosh! All carbon

Time to grab the sea salt and ISO to get the nasty taste out.
LSS. I try not to preheat forget and place the wand in before 230C. Like say my desired temp is 225c. So it goes in the bowl at 230c. That's as close to the edge as I get. There will be a wider scorch circle and possible aftertaste. But not combustion. I like using the 230 and 220 buttons on my remote. It's a no brainer too.
My turbo method is have the bowl and wand preheat on full. My Bowl will fuse to the heater cover if I leave it like that for too long.

Set the desired temp. While the EQ drops, pack the wand. (I straw draw.) then at say 230c drop it in let it continue to desired temp + 1m. Then GTG.

With a toasty aftertaste.
Yes! 'Reclaim' is a subject unto itself.

You are essentially extracting using controlled heat as a method right? There are probably several forums on the subject here at FC. I imagine.
Chose a different whip hose and adapter setup. There is more silicone tubing choices that are temp resistant that are the dimensions that might be more durable and be used at the shortest length and desired width from my D020-d to my EQ and have them sit tight next to each other for the smallest convenient footprint I can use. Less fumbling when turbo heating my bowl and refilling.