The Extreme-Q Vaporizer


Active Member
I've been using my EQ for about 4 months and I have to say I don't see the point of elbow packing.

This is because the elbow seems to pack itself automatically once you start taking draws. When I take it off at the end of a session it's always packed pretty tight just like if I had done it by hand. Lately I've even gotten in the habit of blowing into the whip to unpack it which has an effect similar to stirring the bowl. It's still packed again at the end of a session however.

I did upgrade with the new Connisseur bowl from the EQ2 but the old Cyclone bowl also behaved the same.


Well-Known Member
My new Q just arrived yesterday! This is when I hate being a microdoser because all I want to do is play with it.

I’ve read through a fraction of these pages but based on my two times using it, I’m not understanding why everyone feels it is necessary to get mods for this or why so many of you say it’s not for microdosing small amounts. Is it just about chasing clouds?

I was planning to order a mod but since I got exactly what I needed/expected (actually it hit me harder than expected) from my 0.04 g load each time, I doubt I will.
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Im also a microdoser and V-tower user.
In stock form, the V-tower hits kind of weak, and has that huge bowl that needs to be filled in order for the convection to work properly.

To keep with smaller loads, you have to "elbow pack" it. You can fit 0.1 in the elbow, and get strong rips. Remember to keep the temps close to the max 260c(The arizer reads temps on the low-end)

However, to truly use this machine as a microdoser, you should look into D-daves "one hitter mod", it consists of the daves shorter bowl, a whip, mouthpiece and stem. This setup now places the flower as close to the arizer's heater as you can possibly get, and gets one massive rip per bowl. The bowl size is 0.035-0.05g max.

With this mod, you can return the temperature back to normal, i run it at 200c-230c. Works natively in a small water piece as well.

I can vouch for this one hitter, as its all i use at home. I also have a Crafty+ which is what i use outdoors, but as a daily driver, the bowl is too large and in-efficient with smaller loads.

Some other tips would be to give the vape a good 20 minutes to warmup from cold, Best if you just leave the unit on from morning, until night.
And also, give a good 30 seconds to let your flower warmup on the rig before taking that hit.

Props to 3l3tric, he seems to know whats up with the extreme Q.


4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
I agree with the microdosing and being eager to try the EQ for what it was intended for, with a GIANT bowl lol.
Received my EQ this evening. Waiting till the morning to give it a go . Cheers.

My new Q just arrived yesterday! This is when I hate being a microdoser because all I want to do is play with it.

I’ve read through a fraction of these pages but based on my two times using it, I’m not understanding why everyone feels it is necessary to get mods for this or why so many of you say it’s not for microdosing small amounts. Is it just about chasing clouds?

I was planning to order a mod but since I got exactly what I needed/expected (actually it hit me harder than expected) from my 0.04 g load each time, I doubt I will.
Apologies this was in my mind lol, was supposed to go with post above - noob errors.
4-Aces King-High,
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slipped out of my hands from about knee hight :(

I've been happily using this since 2014.

It still heats up but won't display proper temperature anymore.

In 2020 i got the new elbow it improved the extreme q greatly.


Well-Known Member
I know it's not a volcano or baller but I busted the eq out last night after using the flowerpot for many many months and I gotta say this thing still rips.

Elbow packing at 465f with the whip which I almost never use I had great results. I ground up 0.80g and vaped it over the course of about 4 hours in the evening and I gotta say it got me pretty fuckin fried. I ended up falling asleep on the couch next to it on my end table until like 2:30am 😂.

I bought this thing a couple years ago from some sorta sketchy looking website for like 90$ on sale and it's been awesome.

Edit: Here's a big rip from it 🤙 (YouTube)
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Well-Known Member
Q2 was my first vape, the ddave mod was an amazing upgrade. With that mod you can twax and vape hash. The different wands you can get with different depths can make your experience more versatile to fit your needs as your needs change which they will. I dont Like what I’ve been reading about the vapour path not being isolated tho.. I don’t want to b breathing in offgasing electrical components…. Also crazy how much toxic shit tv’s emit in your living rooms lol!


New Member
Hey everyone! Feel like ive been here forever catching up on this thread. About halfway through I jumped around some and finished the last 50 or so pages. I was doing elbow packs from the whip and added a water piece like everyone suggested. Went ahead and also got the omega kit from ddave which just arrived. I did not notice this in the thread anywhere, but I am putting the screens into the short ddave adapter, and the screens either stay bent, or the one I got in there decently blows around when the fan is on. I cant imagine that is supposed to happen and the screen should fit pretty flush? Any tips? There are 2 sized screens

I watched both videos posted to youtube. Did anyone else have any issues and does anyone have any tips?

Edit: Welp, looks like 10 of my screens are under 1 inch and 4 of my screens are just over 1 inch. The small ones move around in the adapter when drawing and some of the bud can fall below when not elbow packing. Ill give the larger screens an attempt.

Last Edit: The large screens may be a bit to large as they have to crumple to fit which leaves a pocket opeb. I will probably message ddave but for now elbow packing at 210 has been nice with the new small bowl.
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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Feel like ive been here forever catching up on this thread. About halfway through I jumped around some and finished the last 50 or so pages. I was doing elbow packs from the whip and added a water piece like everyone suggested. Went ahead and also got the omega kit from ddave which just arrived. I did not notice this in the thread anywhere, but I am putting the screens into the short ddave adapter, and the screens either stay bent, or the one I got in there decently blows around when the fan is on. I cant imagine that is supposed to happen and the screen should fit pretty flush? Any tips? There are 2 sized screens

I watched both videos posted to youtube. Did anyone else have any issues and does anyone have any tips?

Edit: Welp, looks like 10 of my screens are under 1 inch and 4 of my screens are just over 1 inch. The small ones move around in the adapter when drawing and some of the bud can fall below when not elbow packing. Ill give the larger screens an attempt.

Last Edit: The large screens may be a bit to large as they have to crumple to fit which leaves a pocket opeb. I will probably message ddave but for now elbow packing at 210 has been nice with the new small bowl.
I never bought into elbow packing.


Well-Known Member
I got an opportunity to buy an eq for an amazing price 2 years ago, and I most certainly do not regret it. it was worth every single penny. i only use it with the whip which I really love but this is the second time that my upper left front tooth ends up with a small chip in it that seems to have a circular look to it just like the glass mouthpiece at the end of the whip and I’m starting to wonder if I sometimes knock myself in the tooth with the tip of the mouthpiece when I’m smoking haha I’m a bit embarrassed about admitting that. should I just take out the glass mouthpiece?
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Well-Known Member
I've been using my EQ for about 4 months and I have to say I don't see the point of elbow packing.

This is because the elbow seems to pack itself automatically once you start taking draws. When I take it off at the end of a session it's always packed pretty tight just like if I had done it by hand. Lately I've even gotten in the habit of blowing into the whip to unpack it which has an effect similar to stirring the bowl. It's still packed again at the end of a session however.

I did upgrade with the new Connisseur bowl from the EQ2 but the old Cyclone bowl also behaved the same.
Elbow packing was shit imo. DDave bowl with a glass elbow adaptor and whip on fan 1 was my favourite. DDave bowl makes a huge difference. Makes the herb closer to the heater.

I have an EQ for spares or repair if anyone wants it. DDave bowl, Original EQ bowl and an unused bag and mouthpiece. Pile of elbow screens too.


XQ2, Dynaverse, Xmax
Anybody have any experience with putting balls next to the heater under the flower? I'm curious about experimenting but am not sure they'd get hot enough themselves to lend any thermal mass.


Well-Known Member
Anybody have any experience with putting balls next to the heater under the flower? I'm curious about experimenting but am not sure they'd get hot enough themselves to lend any thermal mass.
I‘ve done it and it sort of works, though not as well as a Silver Surfer.


Well-Known Member
I have nothing but great things to say about my v tower. Made in Canada, low low price, Desktop power and reliable as nails.
Not top notch performance, but good enough for most casual vapourists, and can easily be made stronger with a DDave mod, or by elbow packing the herb.


Well-Known Member
I dug my EQ2 out over the weekend. I haven't used it in over a year, I just happened upon the bowls while cleaning my kitchen.

I never really loved this machine, it never got me close to quitting combusting. But years later, knowing much more about the science of vaping, it is at the very least a fun machine to play with different hacks and settings.


Herbal Engineer
Hello everyone, I found a cool way to make the ExtremeQ portable and thought some of you might be interested. I do a lot of offgrid camping so my electrical system is DC and I wanted a way to power the EQ directly without firing up an inverter. In the process discovered that USBC-PD 100W chargers can directly power the EQ with the help of a special cable that signals what voltages the charger should send. My power station has the usbc-pd charger built in so I just plug it in, set the voltage on the cable to 20v, and turn on the EQ.

Some cheap battery banks with the 100w usbc charger built in ive seen on amazon are about 50$.

Heres a picture to the setup

Some things to note. While I know the 100W pd chargers work for certain, the 65W PD chargers probably also work for this as they can also deliver 20v up to 3.25A pretty much the same values the stock arizer power supply outputs. The power banks with 65W PD chargers built in instead of 100W are cheaper for those who are on a budget, but I have not personally tested 65W chargers so cannot say for certain if it does work only that it should.

And just to clarify what the 'special cable' does thats important to this setup. The jist of it is that usbc-pd requires communication between device and charger. The device knows what voltage it needs and tells the charger to give it that voltage. The EQ has no way of telling the PD charger it wants 20 volts, so that special cable tells the charger to deliver 20v instead.

So how long does the EQ work on battery? Well that depends on how much power its eating over how long of a time, and how much capacity the battery has.

According to the power station, the EQ uses about 55w heating up over about 2 minutes then tapers down to 15w as the glass becomes fully heat soaked. The fans add about 10 extra watts at f3 for a max power usage of 65W.

For ease of calculation lets assume the eq uses about 25wh of power on average. The EQ actually uses much less after heat soaked + no fan around 15wh. My small powerstation is rated at 268wh so 268wh battery capacity divided by 25wh power draw is 10 hours expected runtime. Taking into account real world inefficencies its probably closer to 8-9 hours. I want to do a real world test sometime to see how the math holds up to reality.
Those cheap 50$ 20000mAh batteries by my calculation might run an eq for even longer. since according to my calculations 20000mAh@20v is 400Wh.

So in short, to mod the eq to be portable with multi hour sessions using todays technology requires a 50$ power bank and a 10$ specialized cable from amazon. I am suprised at just how little power the EQ seems to use once properly heated up, its comparable to a laptop. It is amazing that USB-C technology advanced in recent years to the point we can convert old appliances to use our new universal chargers with such ease.

This is my first post on FC! If you want to know specifics feel free to message me.
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Well-Known Member
While trolling AliExpress for glass bits for this device, I ran across and picked up an odd looking whip. I am not sure how it is meant to be used. Does anyone recognize this?




Well-Known Member
This was my first vape and it was ok but it could be so much better with the right mod to get the heater closer to the bowl. I have the Ddave bowl to make it closer but it could be closer again and with some sort of screen that holds balls it would work so much better.


Herbal Engineer
This was my first vape and it was ok but it could be so much better with the right mod to get the heater closer to the bowl. I have the Ddave bowl to make it closer but it could be closer again and with some sort of screen that holds balls it would work so much better.
DDaves one hitter mod kit has worked wonders for me. The small adapter without a screen and the steel omega wand to be specific. The tapered end of the omega sits right above the heating element and contains a small screen bowl for herb. The herb sits maybe an inch above the element and just barely filling the screen is enough for a satisfying OHE.

I personally prefer the highest temps possible for maximum extraction so my ideal abv is charcoal black right before combustion. Experimenting with this modkit found that 240f is about as high as can be gone before risking combustion. At 250f herb can combust but never have had 240f combust even if herb drops onto element screen. The lowest temperatures I found for acceptable hits was 375f for terp chasing but really I would keep it in the standard 295-410 fballpark for lower temp sessions.

I was not satisfied with whip and wanted more direct draw so got creative with some pieces I already had lying around. Stuck a dynavap fat rubber mouthpiece with bulbous tip cut off onto the omegas flat side where whip would go on. This creates a decent enough air seal to stick portable arizer air stems on. If you try this be warned that its a pretty hard stretch first time and will probably permanently deform the mouth piece to the point of not being able to seal the regular dynavap. I have sneaky petes ultradry stem with carb and small bubbler for air max which happen to be perfect sized pieces for this. As a bonus, the four hole glass filter design of the air stems helps catch anything that may get through or build up in the omega.

The only downside is that the tiny steel herb screens get dirty relatively quickly and need to either be consistently brushed or replaced with a fresh one daily.
Pictures of omega wand with mouthpiece and glass

I wonder if filling the inside of the omega with balls and caping off the flat end with a screen and then letting heat soak with the fan running would improve anything.
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Herbal Engineer
Experimenting with this modkit found that 240f is about as high as can be gone before risking combustion. At 250f herb can combust but never have had 240f combust even if herb drops onto element screen. The lowest temperatures I found for acceptable hits was 375f for terp chasing but really I would keep it in the standard 295-410 fballpark for lower temp sessions.
Oops wrong temps its 440f not 240f, 450f not 250f, 395f not 295f. Whoops!

Also the only other downside to the omega Ive encountered besides the quickly dirty herb screens is that it gets stuck in the adapter and needs to be oiled up with beeswax to keep the joints lubed up. I dont mind applying wax every once in awhile but it is an extra maintenance step to consider.
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