Gosh darn it,
@ataxian If you are willing to take a hacksaw to your EQ to make it smaller, then with a few screw turns and some research, I should at least try to narrow down the make of fan the EQ uses and come with my own solution. Got the model number of the fan from the video
@CannaBanana posted. Then looked online for a match.
Reddit helped me find the make of the fan of one EQ. But reddit is good at misinformation being mouth breathed so be forewarned.
Got the spreadsheet for a similar make of fan.
Then I took my EQ apart. Two tiny screws and 2 pin plug are what keeps the fan in place. 'M' being the manufacturer of mine instead of 'delta'? same model # db0401b12ua. Here is somebody else's image below that matched mine.
Took out my fan entirety. cut the zip tie and unplugged it from the board. Then I took my can of compressed air and cleaned the fan. Making a point of spraying near the bearings which is probably the problem area and put everything back together. SUCCESS !! The fan now works!! I was so close to buying a fan (or EQ from an FC member) from ebay. But there seems to be no need for now. Hope the info helps those who actually have a dead fan and are seeking a replacemt.
@ataxian Thanks for the much needed prodding.

Now I'm about to enjoy myself a well deserved bag of delicious vapor.

You know who makes good PC fans?
Noctua. Have 4 of them cooling off my powerhouse PC. BTW If they had one that was the same form factor as the Delta and ran on the same voltage, I'd put one in my EQ in a heartbeat. ASUS made a fan similar to the delta for there mobo's about 10-15 years ago.
I should have taken a pic where the top fan blower opening faces inside the top part of the hardware for those who want to upgrade their fan.that opening is where the air needs to go, if you are seeking a workaround solution.
BTW, never give in to the impulse of overtighneng screw threads. Just enough to do the job. I will follow my own advice if I ever replace the heater core.