Just how sophisticated is the Sub anyway?

Is there some sort of PID control or electronics involved? It relies on metal and a heat gun to do the work. Not knocking it. Just trying to get a breakdown between the two. Everything else with the Sub could be well engineered and R&D'd enough to work with these two components. (And the EQ with it's own. But I know they keep R&D-ing.

) But I did visit the
Lab glass vaporizer thread for someone who is getting with the science themselves and needs visitors anyway. We all know from elbow packs that the very center of the pack will have the most concentration of heat and that familiar scorch in the center. Not as if you weren't nessisarily planning on placing it in the center, simply out of practicality anyway.
Way back in the FC EQ archives people have hooked PID contollers or had IR repeaters working with their Smart Phone. Maybe that might add to the first question I asked about how sophisticated it is. Also warmed up the bean to some basic understanding of
PID math. If you like the cruise control in your car, then thank whatever chip is working it's own
PID Loop algorithm with 'special' terms. I only have a small understanding of it ATM, and there are others on FC who are true engineers, mathematicians and scholars who could elaborate better than me.
My EQ's performance dropped off the last few days a bit & when I was packing it away last night I saw I only had the plug in 3/4 of the way & I did trip on the cord last Thursday vacuuming. I want to test it out but I will leave it until the weekend as it encourages me to behave in a non school night manner

Cool, Might as well make the most of a bad situation - FOR SCIENCE! Hopefully you will experience it go back to turbo mode after giving it a pause.
Ok, so I reassembled my duel wand. There is a full wall of silicone tubing (4 segments) wedged between the straight 18mm
@DDave wand and my 19mm tube adapter.
Small amount of silicone overlap, so I can corkscrew it a 1/4 turn into the Short F/F. When my EQ gets warmed up, the F/F gets fused to the heater adapter.
So, since I have the option to put whatever glass/tubing adapter that suits me in the top socket of the 19mm. I can lift the EQ from where it stands and direct draw. Like
@Stevenski is fond of, with the wrist band around the waist. Still going to keep it stationary as a normal thing. But nice to have options.
I actually fitted my downstem (that I normally use as my ripper wand. It gets the most hottest out of my set.)to the socket end of the 19mm. So the duel lightsaber has been upgraded So there is that option. Plus It is clear glass, so I can look down while I draw and see the vapor action.