Does anyone still use the stock cyclone bowl. If so how efficient is it? Are you removing the bowl each time you use it. Or just leaving it on there. I elbow pack a lot but would rather use the cyclone bowl(its cleaner) and not have to clean the elbows every day. Cyclone looks like it hold .3 .4 where the elbow hold .1 .2. How many hits are you getting out of the cyclone vs using an elbow pack. Also does anyone have an estimate on the temp difference? Like if using the cyclone what temp do you set it at vs when its an elbow pack. How different is the temp on the display vs the actual bowl temps. I've been searching for these answers and haven't really found the info I wanted. The device works fine for me the way it is. Just more so care about using my herb efficiently. I love my mflb and lotus for the small amounts they use with the WPA for both. I love the elbow packs but it gets annoying cleaning. So want to use the cyclone the way it was designed and just wonder how quickly ill use more product or will it be about the same. Thanks for anyone that can help.
Good questions raised.
Leaving the glass attachment on the heater will keep it at an even temp, rather than taking it off and having to let it absorb a lot of energy to heat back up. That energy can instead go straight to the herb.
I'm not sure I will be doing anything more than adding shrink wrap to my smaller F/F adapter. The efficiency of vaping seems to increase having the bud closer to the heat source. It drastically affects the temperature that the bud gets to, I have dropped it down 15 deg C and am seeing similar results in vapour consistency between it and the cyclone.
But mainly, having it closer by using the adapter, makes it darker, and much more evenly spread in colour. Even charring the exposed edge at temps below 240 (the temp in Celsius deemed as combustion - the EQ is probably made to be hotter at the top then the temperature setting to allow for the designed air gap? )
With the cyclone, I would guess it would be best to use it for bags, especially for multiple, though I always found I got milkier hits when elbow-packing, and more often I just do this and pack more frequently. I find the cyclone bowl gets dirty when using its chamber and probably isn't much better to clean than a screen or two every now and then (it's not something I do often, because I take a bit of care to get rid of all traces when emptying it of AVB. I'll soak them all in isopropyl alcohol when the time comes and vape it off with my machine after.
You get more hits by having more in the glass chamber than with the screen, but you don't get a constant level of extraction (an impossibility with any method IMO), it requires stirring and I would bet it leaves green tinges in the AVB even after doing so a couple of times.
I also think that having bud sitting there being heated, without any active airflow, may generate more residue build up due to easier settlement although, it's probably negligible anyway, none the less I want that sticky THC in me and not anywhere else. So, using less in the elbow screens means less vapour overall, but more at once. And with active substances, the first dose matters as that is the lowest point of tolerance.
The difference in temp is an interesting question and one I wish I had a laser thermometer to figure out.
It's hard to say, but seeing as there are 3 separate thermometers in the EQ, there location would be dependant on the accuracy of the digital reading and the temp the device is running at. It will not and can not be accurate to the material being vaped. But it would become closer with active airflow (as the device is made to compensate for this).
At the end of the day, when you heat up bud past 160C and inhale the resulting fumes, however you're doing it will work. All these upgrades that I and others have done, just make those fumes closer to the clouds we're chasing.
Here is my old post, hope it helps.
It acts the same way as your adapter. I'm guessing it is so popular because the SSV GG wand is so easily available to just about everyone and the sample variance is so small.
It does perfectly, I knew there was a good post as I stumbled upon it once. Turns out I remember that sick sticker you have, but at the time the words didn't have as much relevance to me and escaped me.
Cheers for the link