Im just back to report that DDAVE and his findings are still in strong standings with me. I have found that the heat up time may be a little longer but 365f and below have become much more noticeable in terms of cloud density. Ive used a thermometer gun and verified that the glass around the "load" is much hotter then stock setup and further kept at such elevated temperatures with my shield (beer coozie). I noticed that this set up is also more efficient when sitting front of a fan or air vent.
Note: In the pic the temp is not yet set and I usually dont vape at 383 unless the material deems necessary.
Hey samirfuzzywuzzy,
Great to see you again and very happy to hear the setup is still performing for you! Really awesome to see you're keeping the glass clean! I've noticed quite the difference, in mostly flavor and some in performance too, when the glass becomes a bit too "seasoned".
I really like your setup! A very Clean-Mean-Vapor_Producing Machine!!!!
I've got something new in the works, but not going to announce till I hit paydirt!
Till then, Vape On my friend!
