Baked & Fried
I was wondering how you all warm up your EQ... do you set it at the temp you want it at and then warm up or do you set it at max temp and adjust down?... usually i warm on max, empty w/ elbow on and turn down just a little before i load the elbow...
haha.. Interesting Signature BTW
Edit: i didn't use F3 the whole time... i think i started at F1 and went to F2 then to F3?? not sure if that affected it, let me know what you think... Also make sure the cotton ball is seated well on the screen and fits snug in the cyclone or it wont milk good...
yes i pre-heat w/ elbow on at 255-260c w/ the piece of cotton ball in it(some times when pre-heating i turn the fan on high w/ an empty bowl.. not sure it helps but i feel it heats up the glass parts faster???)... and then i put a drop in the middle of the cotton ball and cap it up... what i did was turn on the fan on high and watch till it was shooting out vapor and then connected the bag... it takes a min to prime and soak in... first bag is the best... i was hesitant to use a cotton ball(don't like the idea) but since i got a molar pulled i can only use the bag rite now and needed an extra kick the herb alone didn't give... it worked out very nice for me... a dab really goes a long way but u don't get hits like you would from a nail... IMO id rather not use cotton but i'm hurtin and it works fine... the buzz was nice... i didn't notice it for a few mins after i finished the bag... then i was baked ha... Works for me... hitting it w/ a ligter would give a more intense feeling im sure... but it doesnt go nearly as far.. also you have to use a lighterI wish this was a video do I drip .1 on a small bit of cotton and put it in the already preheated to max EQ bowl. Is it worthwhile like better buzz then dripping on a bowl of ash. I never done a dab off swing/nail so my standers are low. Thanks

Edit: i didn't use F3 the whole time... i think i started at F1 and went to F2 then to F3?? not sure if that affected it, let me know what you think... Also make sure the cotton ball is seated well on the screen and fits snug in the cyclone or it wont milk good...