Vapor concierge
I pulled out the E for the first time in about a month and hooked it up to my fuckin baked all to hell off one cyclone bowl filled two/thirds to the black line. I was getting some nice clouds!
hmm. I'm about to receive my EQ on Monday and I am inquiring into this mod too. I saw several places back, like 170 or 180's, that someone had successfully modded their EQ to work with valve bags. They initially ran into this problem with leakage but he somehow managed to fix this with o rings. look for that post in this thread.I did![]()
This happened to me a few times. I managed to get it off once by putting the lot in the freezer for 10 mins when it was really bad (not recommended unless your desperate), but generally found that if I let it cool down properly and wobbled the cyclone bowl from every possible angle it would eventually come off - this could take up to 30 mins so be patient.My cyclone bowl is stuck onto my heating core, I pulled with most of my strength and tried turning, im afraid if I pull any harder I may pull things out that aren't suppose to be coming out. Has anyone had this happen? I can't think of anything that would have caused it, I just went to remove it and it was on there very tightly
My cyclone bowl is stuck onto my heating core, I pulled with most of my strength and tried turning, im afraid if I pull any harder I may pull things out that aren't suppose to be coming out. Has anyone had this happen? I can't think of anything that would have caused it, I just went to remove it and it was on there very tightly
I had tried that a few times, and had no luck...stuck too tight...BUT, I just got really impatient, said screw it, and took apart the EQ. I was able to get the heater cover off of the heating element without damaging anything and my heater cover was fully intact. Once I got the heater cover with cyclone bowl still stuck, removed from the heating element, I stuck the heater cover/cyclone in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. While they were in there I searched FC for un-sticking GONG joints...I found a random thread, non EQ related, that had a quote from TokeCity. The quoted person had spoke with Illadelph and was told that tapping on the gong joint with a wooden spoon would help...Just a thought... have you tried putting your Q in the freezer for 15 minutes and then seeing if you can gently remove the cyclone bowl. i've never had mine stuck like your's but I would probably give that a try just in case it was an easy solution. i can't see where it would do any harm and it might work but if someone thinks it's risky I'm sure they will say something.
So after I removed the cyclone bowl/heater cover from the freezer, I tried twisting/rocking gently and pulling, with no results. Then I took a wooden spoon, and tapped around the gong joint for about a minute or two. I gave a twist and it snapped free! I got the cyclone removed from the heater cover, without damaging either of them! I put the heater cover back on the heating element, and reassembled the EQ. Once I got to the point of connecting the LCD/control panel and the power cable, I turned it on to confirm it was making heat, before putting it together any further.
I'm so happy I got impatient enough to just go for it, and that it worked! I vaped a nice bowl of AK-47, packed in the elbow screen, sat in the downstem of the bong, with the q held gently in the down stem Cloud style!Got some tasty whip-free hits between 165C and 195C.
Thanks again Photobooth for posting that video!
Hi everyone.
I got the V-Tower yesterday, and spent the day getting used to it because I never vaped before.
The high wasn't as good yesterday is it is today. I use the elbow pack method mostly, and love it.
Yes I agree, the taste is a huge plus, and I've been experimenting with my temps as well.That makes sense to me. It takes a little while to adjust. Don't neglect to experiment with the tastes and effects at different temperatures. For me, the flavour was a huge positive aspect of switching.
What other things do you recommend that I purchase that isn't included in the stock accessory kit?
a) "Hose"(Whip/Wand) - "Silicone" replacement hose(many sources),
or, as an alternative : "SSV" or "DBV" hose replacement.
* an addition to 'a' *
"Hose Clamp" - "Roller/Pressure", think 'Medical', as in "I.V. Bag&Line";
to conserve vapor, in whip, between dosages.
Additionally: Look into 'clamps' from "Hydration Bags/Products".
"Female 14 mm Stopper"(plus 'K' clips), to 'Cap' mouth-piece between dosages.
[see next entry]
b) "14 mm Male joint with hose barb/attachment"
- Allows for 'EZ' connect to "H2O" piece, as well as an alternative mouthpiece.
FYI: May need to combo with a '14mm-to-19mm' 'lo-pro bushing',
for total compatibility with "H2O" piece(s).
c) "Test-tube Clamp"- "Cyclone Bowl" gets warm during
d) "Extra...(s)" : 1) Screens - "Cyclone & Elbow", 2) "Elbow(s)", 3) "Turkey/Baster Bags",
Many other item(s) come to mind , but I believe these are the 'biggies', to start.
The next items are for convenience sake, and are personal selections...
e) "Measuring-spoon" - A ".25/ quarter-teaspoon" measuring spoon( to load "Cyclone Bowl")
f) "Funnel" - For the 'fumble-fingered' : Boro 19/22 50mm diameter(from major lab glass co./"ebay");
makes for less-messy loading of "Cyclone Bowls".
g) "Bowl Stand" - A "Male 19/22 joint fab'd into a "Stand"("Beaker/Pedistal/etc.),
to hold "Cyclone Bowl" during loading; think "Male" slide-holder for "Female" slide/bowls.
h) "Brushes" - Combo of two(2) brushes covers most "Dry" needs-
1) The "MFLB" brush for fine work and clearing screens, and 2) The "Volcano" brush for 'other'.
i) "ABV Container" - Something to store your "semi-spent meds" in
(think soft sided plastic, it avoids those nasty "tinks", as glass 'HITS' glass, lol!).
Anyhoo, I think I covered 'my' biggies. I'm sure others have additional suggestions,
and I'm sure someone, will chime in with an objection or two, regarding 'my' selections...
my $.02...
Would this tubing would work for the Extreme Q vape...
Silicon whip is more flexible with a higher heat tolerance. The flexibility helps if your wand or mouthpiece get stuck.I've always used the stock whip...why not?
I've always used the stock whip...why not?
Silicon whip is more flexible with a higher heat tolerance. The flexibility helps if your wand or mouthpiece get stuck.
nice tip, bet it would work great with upgraded silicone tubing.I initially had problems with the "Built-in Free-Form English",
that the OEM hose can exhibit.
And that most "EQ" owners are familiar with...
"You go right, hose goes left, taking 'glass' with it. Not good!
Then came my first cleaning, and first 'harvest' o' "re-claim"!
I had the 'bright' idea, of "hanging" the hose,
with the end weighted and "suspended" over a dish.
Then, 'wait-for-it...', I took my "Heat Gun" to it...
'Good' news: It worked famously!
One dish, full o' Cherry-Red Re-Claim! Ftw!
'Bad' news: Completely removed the "Built-In English".
Now it's 'rubbery', 'loose', and not really pretty. Lol.
But it works, and It's Clean!
FYI: Just thought I'd put the info out there.
I do not recommend this over "Replacement".
(Unless of course, "you're broke", "don't give-a-cr*p about smell/taste",
"just want to get vapor into your lungs asap!", or all the above, lol.)
my $.02...
nice tip, bet it would work great with upgraded silicone tubing.
I do not recommend this over "Replacement".