The Electropath


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Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
If you are using the flower Kettle and the Electropath without concentrates how much cannabis do you typically use?
2g concentrate a month and about half Oz of flower. I used to do the double decker more often but after I had my surgery and changed jobs my tolerance went way down. Now 1 of those in the morning gets me going for half a day and when I get home I usually do 1 and that gets me to bedtime. It's a tiny half rice grain sized dab usually and about a half a scoop of weed. With the system you can do a quarter scoop of weed as well I'll do my next vid with just a pinch of weed in there and wait to you see what it gets from that!:razz::D


Well-Known Member
Ok, ok… I am weak… Master Kit… here I come… need to cut down on the concentrates as gets too expensive… and I am finally catching on to growing my own…
Is it wrong to think this is saving me $$. Lol

Yes I will support your impressions that it will be saving you money, whether true or not. 🤣🤣

Get ready for a hella enjoyable high.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Ok, ok… I am weak… Master Kit… here I come… need to cut down on the concentrates as gets too expensive… and I am finally catching on to growing my own…
Is it wrong to think this is saving me $$. Lol

We Appreciate You!:) have it shipped out after work today :tup:
Edit: you will definitely save money on product.:wave:
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Well-Known Member
Today is the day I order the Electropath! Time to get serious about taking this Flower Kettle experience into the next realm.. It's been a long wait, with neverending bills inbetween.. But the order is going up! Shout out to @bkkbob, thanks for your helpful input. Will definitely let ya know what I think of this bad boy! Can't wait 🚀 🥴


Well-Known Member
Today is the day I order the Electropath! Time to get serious about taking this Flower Kettle experience into the next realm.. It's been a long wait, with neverending bills inbetween.. But the order is going up! Shout out to @bkkbob, thanks for your helpful input. Will definitely let ya know what I think of this bad boy! Can't wait 🚀 🥴
You are psyched. Stunning combo.


Well-Known Member
Today is the day I order the Electropath! Time to get serious about taking this Flower Kettle experience into the next realm.. It's been a long wait, with neverending bills inbetween.. But the order is going up! Shout out to @bkkbob, thanks for your helpful input. Will definitely let ya know what I think of this bad boy! Can't wait 🚀 🥴
Hope you'll share your before/after experience. I'm interested to hear what kind of difference it makes for you and, like, how so, in what ways.


Well-Known Member
Now that I have both, I think I'd still buy the Electropath before the Kettle if you already have a compatible vape like a baller or Herborizer.
That's what I've done. I'm mostly interested in comparing with others' experiences. I haven't seen a lot of reaction yet. I hope it's not just because everyone's stunned. ; )

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
That's what I've done. I'm mostly interested in comparing with others' experiences. I haven't seen a lot of reaction yet. I hope it's not just because everyone's stunned. ; )
You would have to page back to find them everyone usually said their view that bought one and that was it. No real back and forth and no calls for returns or anything on that end. I'm proud to say I've taken care of every single customer individually myself and they know how to reach me anytime in the future if the need arises.:tup::love:Thank you guys so much!!:rockon:


Well-Known Member
You would have to page back to find them everyone usually said their view that bought one and that was it. No real back and forth and no calls for returns or anything on that end. I'm proud to say I've taken care of every single customer individually myself and they know how to reach me anytime in the future if the need arises.:tup::love:Thank you guys so much!!:rockon:
You should be proud of this device and how you've handled things. People have left nothing but positive remarks, but to me it seems to perform beyond what one might expect and I wanna know that it's not just me. But I also don't want to prejudice anyone's experience so I tried to ask neutrally. ; )

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
You should be proud of this device and how you've handled things. People have left nothing but positive remarks, but to me it seems to perform beyond what one might expect and I wanna know that it's not just me. But I also don't want to prejudice anyone's experience so I tried to ask neutrally. ; )
Definitely appreciate you brother!:love:


Well-Known Member
You would have to page back to find them everyone usually said their view that bought one and that was it. No real back and forth and no calls for returns or anything on that end. I'm proud to say I've taken care of every single customer individually myself and they know how to reach me anytime in the future if the need arises.:tup::love:Thank you guys so much!!:rockon:
Yeah, Jerry your support has been great. And the choice of Ed for those handles was great. Damn they feel so good in the hand.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It's too early for me to have a full review, but I can confirm noticeably lower cannabis consumption from previous ball vape.

More importantly, I do not cough on the whole massive first hit.

Now I am trying to figure out how little cannabis I can use for a "one and done" rip.

My previous daily driver had me taking one or two extra rips after a stir and a wait of 5 minutes to an hour.

Does anyone else notice that the AVB seems to be in finer crumbs than it went into the Electropath?
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