Just received my IQ and I love it. I got the spacers and was able to pack just a tiny amount in the chamber. The flavour is amazing, it doesn't taste tainted at all and seems to linger. Very clean. The density is much better than I expected and the session can last quite long or I can have a couple of sessions depending how much I pack in. The two mouthpieces are quite different from each other and I can see myself enjoying both. It feels like I can tailor the draw resistance and I enjoy that. The AVB is very evenly baked I think the glass spacers and pearl really help with that
I think it's safe to say I've tested it quite well tonight

maybe it's because it has a very different feel to it than the S&B products, I definitely think it tastes cleaner and the vapour is possibly cooler for everything being ceramic. I didn't feel any heat near my mouth, the body did get quite warm but it's tolerable for me. I could see where people would be sensitive to this. I guess the glove is a good idea.
I can see where this is a little flawed though, just a couple of negatives like the catches - the battery cover feels quite tight. You have to listen out for that click where the clip slots back in place. It sprang out on me. The flavour chamber is very loose on my unit so when I turn it to take the battery out the flavour chamber slips out. When the flavour chamber is in the top cover doesn't seem to click closed like it does with no flavour chamber(the magnet pulls the cover shut). This is really me trying to pick out flaws here, the catches do stay shut they can just be a bit fiddly - I'm quite coordinated but other people might find these things awkward.
The size and feel of the IQ though. It feels sexy and sleek. I want to keep that body as pristine as I can. I've decided that she's female and called Olivia - after Olivia Dunham from Fringe. I like the weight, it's not too heavy but still reassuring. It feels sturdy and I like that it can stand up on its own. I know this will fit in my pocket and not draw much attention too
I got the app to work first try. On a Sony Xperia Android, Z3? it's quite old. I haven't tried IOS yet. I have an iPad, might give it a go for a goodnight vape session.
Pods would be a nice idea - I have read that they were working on some. Definitely get my vote. Would be awesome for treks, the beach and days out now we're well into summer. This is definitely a vape that I will be taking on the go. Some sort of pod case may be needed if they do appear.
This wipes the floor with both of the previous conduction vapes I've owned. The nokiva mentioned above and a flowermate aura not much of a comparison but if you're new to vaping you might have tried something similar to compare this to. Like everyone says it's difficult to put it against the Mighty (my first proper vaporizer) but they are definitely in the same league. I'd be torn to declare a winner as both of them have some unique plus points but I will say that the IQ has satisfied my VAS for now. I don't know if I would have gone on such a spending spree if I had started off with the IQ. This could easily become the perfect vape for me with a few refinements.
It's a shame to see users with defects but I guess that's why forums exist. I bet a lot of people don't even bother reading up on things until something goes wrong and then they're brought here. There is a lot of knowledge on these pages. I lot of clever enthusiastic and helpful people those glass spacers exist because people spoke up and the manufacturers listened. My first experience would have been a lot different without this forum so thank you all.
It's also good to see a 10 year warranty and the manufacturer being active on here. I know it's disheartening when something breaks. I broke a digital guitar twice replacement parts £150 per time, I doubt I could get parts to fix it if it went again now. 10 years is a long time to be covered for something like this. It feels like we're in good hands.
I'll definitely be buying more products from Davinci. I'm very interested to see what these guys have in store for us in the future. The Classic and Ascent look good but I'm in love with this little piece.
Two ideas I had were an IQ tuff - just a little bigger, some cooling fins and sturdier catches. Wouldn't mind if it was a screw fitting and some sort of honey collector for the flavour chamber - I wouldn't be sure how this would work though. It was just a thought to put a spacer in there and maybe cushion it with some mini nuggs.
Right I'm going for that bedtime session I mentioned earlier. Happy vaping guys