Not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth here, but it seems to me that the hydrafoot isn't really a free gift...
I mean, there's the link @
vapecat posted that links to SM saying that early birds and fanatics get a hydrafoot, and I just asked in the EVO thread and a few members confirmed they did indeed get a hydrafoot...
I'm not really phased as I'm just happy to be finally getting my EVO, but it still seems a bit odd...
Plus I've gotten the free upgrade to the puck hydratube, so that's kinda like a free gift in and of itself
stonemonkey55 did you guys perhaps forget that you included a hydrafoot for all the IGG orders that included a hydratube?
Please note that the following thought is purely a highdea, and I in no way expect it to be the case, but how mind blowingly awesome would it be if we all open up our EVO packages and it turned out the SM meant the gift was a hydrafoot 2.0
Given the retail value of the HF2.0 it'd probably send VXL broke to do it, but hey, I can daydream